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2014 Vol. 33, No. 4
Published: 2014-08-20

385 The Study on Frontal ERPs Based upon Improved Visual CPT Paradigm in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
WAN Xiao  Jiao1    WANG SuHongGAO Xiao Rong3#YAN Zheng1*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.01
The eventrelated potentials (ERPs) coming from children who were diagnosed as attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were analyzed in this paper, aiming to investigate the neural activity in the frontal lobe, when the children performed a selective attention task. A high density electroencephalogram (EEG) acquisition instrument was utilized to record the ERPs of subjects and an improved visual continuous performance test (Visual-CPT) was used as the experimental paradigm. Twelve diseased children (ADHD group) and 13 healthy children (Control group) participated the experiment. The behavior and ERPs results were analyzed and compared with a twosample Ttest between two groups under Go and No-go conditions. Results show that: 1) The ADHD group performed a poor task in the current study, with a higher missing rate and false alarm rate as well as a longer reaction time than control group; 2) Under both Go and No-go conditions, there were no significant difference observed in the ERPs latency. However, comparing with the control group, ADHD group has a lower N2 amplitude in frontal region (P<0.05); 3) In addition, the ADHD group show a higher P2 amplitude under the condition of No-go (P<0.05). The result indicates that children with ADHD have a disorder in cognitive function implementation, and this impairment may be associated with the abnormal ERPs amplitudes in frontal lobe.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 385-391 [Abstract] ( 272 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1451 KB)  ( 464 )
392 Quantitative Assessment of Viscoelasticity of Soft Tissue Based on Orthogonal Frequency Pulse Excitation#br#  
LIN Hao Ming1    ZHENG Yi5CHEN Xin2,3,4LIU Pan Pan2,3,4GUO Yan Rong2,3,4WANG Tian Fu 2,3,4CHEN Si Ping1,2,3,4
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.02
The high frequency shear wave is very important for accurately estimating values of viscosity. To improve the detecting ability of high frequency shear wave and investigate its impact on the estimation of viscoelastic parameters, a method based on orthogonal frequency pulse excitation for ultrasound vibrometry was introduced in this paper. In this method, an orthogonal frequency wave with preferred spectrum distribution was designed and sampled sparsely and used to induce tissue vibration, which can enhance the energy of higher harmonic of induced shear wave. Fresh swine liver was used in experiments in vitro. Binary pulse and two orthogonal frequency pulses were chosen for inducing tissue vibration and the shear waves induced by different excitation pulses were detected by using laser vibrometry and ultrasound technique. Laser vibrometry experiment demonstrates that this method can enhance effectively the high frequency component of induced shear wave. As can be seen from the result of the ultrasound experiment, comparing with the results of binary pulse excitation, the relative bias of estimation of shear elasticity and shear viscosity were 2.3% and 4.1%,13.6% and 11.5% for threechip and sixchip orthogonal pulse excitation respectively when using velocity of frequency of 100 to 400 Hz for fitting calculation. The relative bias of the shear elasticity estimation and shear viscosity were 10.6% and 3.5%,5.4% and 11.8% for threechip and sixchip orthogonal pulse excitation respectively when using velocity of all frequency for fitting calculation. Experimental results suggest that orthogonal frequency pulse excitation can reduce the peak ultrasound intensity and enhance the detecting ability of higher harmonic shear wave. On the other hand, the estimated values of viscoelasticity can be impacted by the higher harmonic shear wave, but the ways of how to produce impacts are still unknown and need further study.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 392-401 [Abstract] ( 269 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2917 KB)  ( 828 )
402 Base Scale Entropy Based Heart Rate Variability Indexes for Characterizing Changes in Autonomic Nerve Activity by Physiological and Pathological Modulation
LIU Da Zhao    LI Yu    LI Jin*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.03
The heart rate variability (HRV) signal reflects the adjustment of autonomic nervous system on cardiac rhythm, and its dynamic characteristics can reflect the physiological function of the heart and health status. The short time HRV signal has an important value on clinical application on detecting changes in physiological and pathological conditions. We used mwords forms and forbidden words extracted from basescale entropy as the characteristic index. We compared the differences of short time HRV parameters between day and night of the subjects of healthy young people and the healthy elderly people, as well as the healthy elderly people and congestive heart failure patients. Firstly, in order to prove the effectiveness of the method, mwords forms, forbidden words were respectively applied to the sine signal, white noise and 1/f  noise. We chose respectively 25 healthy young subjects, 25 healthy elderly subjects from Normal Sinus Rhythm RR Interval Database and MITBIH Normal Sinus Rhythm Database in the PhysioBank, and 20 congestive heart failure subjects from the Congestive Heart Failure RR Interval Database in the PhysioBank. The results showed that the change of mwords forms probability distribution reflected the corresponding change of autonomic regulation. In the healthy young people and the healthy elderly people, there are significant differences(P<0.05)between day and night by the forbidden words method. Moreover, the forbidden words of corresponding time periods also have significant differences(P<0.05)among two groups of subjects. In addition, compared with healthy elderly people, the forbidden words of CHF patients have been significantly reduced(219.2±6.9 vs 147.5±12.1,P<0.05). Compared with the traditional nonlinear method, this algorithm only need a 500 heart beats series, and it provides a simple and effective method for the research and application of HRV.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 402-409 [Abstract] ( 412 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2125 KB)  ( 500 )
410 Synchronization of Resting State Bilateral Cortical Activities in Language Areas Measured with Optical Brain Imaging
LI Jun*    QIU Li Na    ZHU Hui Lin     ZHU Zhi Fang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.04
To investigate the synchronization of human bilateral cortical spontaneous activities in language areas and the relationship between the synchronization and language ability, optical brain imaging was used to measure resting state cortical activities in language areas of subjects with different language ability. The measured signals included temporal fluctuations of oxygenated and deoxygenatedhemoglobin. Three groups of subjects participated in the experiment, including 25 children with autism, 11 normal children and 20 normal adults. Fortyfour optical channels were used in the experiment to record the spontaneous fluctuations for 8 minutes from bilateral inferior and temporal cortices. After the recorded signals were filtered and processed to remove the global systemic interference, the temporal correlation coefficient was calculated for each channel pair located symmetrically on the left and the right hemisphere. This correlation coefficient reflects the synchronization of activities arising from cortical regions right beneath the channel pair. The average interhemispheric correlation coefficients for the symmetric regions of interest (e.g., inferior frontal cortex, temporal cortex) were also calculated and quantitatively compared between the three groups of subjects. Our data show the average interhemispheric correlations for temporal language cortices are different between subject groups: the correlation for children with autism (r=0.306±0.039) is significantly (P=0.048) lower than that for normal children (r=0.472±0.037), normal children is significantly (P=0.00058) lower than normal adults (r=0.639±0.020), and adult males (r=0.604±0.035) is slightly lower than adult females (r=0.673±0.017), but not significantly (P >0.05). These results imply optical brain imaging may provide qualitative and quantitative evaluation on the functioning of human brain language network.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 410-417 [Abstract] ( 336 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2264 KB)  ( 547 )
418 Research on Fall Detection Classification Recognition Based on Extreme Learning Machine
WANG Zhi Qiong1,2QU Lu Xuan1      SUI Yu Tong1   BAO Nan1     KANG Yan1#*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.05
Falls in the elderly population is a very common phenomenon because of the limitation of age and physical condition. Therefore, it is important to remote monitor the elders state real time according to the movement characteristics of falling down, in order to take actions in time when elderly people fall down in some emergency situations. Characteristics of human body kinematics were analyzed in view of the human movement state monitoring, and an algorithm that fall detection based on extreme learning machine (ELM) was proposed. The method is to collect the body’s 3D acceleration value through a sensor. Then the model of fall detection was established. On the basis of the model, a fall detection classifier based on ELM was established and the computer aided detection for falls was completed. The 540 samples of experimental data were obtained, 440 samples for training and 100 samples for testing. The accuracy of the method was 93%, the sensitivity was 87.5%, and the specificity was 91.7%. Results show that the established method has good classification performance and advantages on the running time for classification of training in reference to the conventional machine learning.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 418-424 [Abstract] ( 431 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1558 KB)  ( 969 )
425 Effects of Shape Deformation of Figure\|Eight Coil on the Distribution of Space Mangnetic Fields and Induced Electric Fields in Magnetic Stimulation#br#
WEI Kong Bing1     LU Mai2*DONG Xu Wei2CHEN Xiao Qiang1    PAN Qiang Qiang2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.06
Although the focality of conventional figureofeight (fo8) coil is superior to that of round coil in transcranial magnetic stimulation, there still exists higher magnetic fields and induced electric fields near the outer rim of double wings of fo8 coil. In this paper, we presented a deformed figureofeight coil (Dfo8) by bending its two wings from the surface of the coil. The distribution of magnetic fields and the induced electric fields were calculated numerically, and the results were compared with those of conventional fo8. Results show that when the bending angle for Dfo8 was between 45 degree and 60 degree, the magnetic fields and the induced electric fields over the centre position of Dfo8 were about 90% of that of fo8, while the magnetic fields and the induced electric fields over the outer rim of Dfo8 were about 30% of that of fo8. It is indicated that the focality of the magnetic fields and the induced electric fields has been improved by Dfo8 coil, which provided a new method for designing the new transcranial magnetic stimulation coil.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 425-431 [Abstract] ( 218 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2297 KB)  ( 947 )
432 Archetype Relational Mapping Based on openEHR
WANG Li     MIN Ling Tong   LU Xu Dong* DUAN Hui Long
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.07
Complexity and continuous evolution of healthcare information is the biggest challenge for healthcare information systems. Twolevel information model from openEHR can facilitate healthcare information systems to adapt to the change of healthcare information requirements. Persistence methods
such as Node+Path promoted by openEHR and openEHR reference model object relational mapping (RMORM) cannot meet the performance requirements of clinical daily use. In this paper, we proposed a novel persistence method based on direct mapping between openEHR archetype and relational database by mapping archetype to data table and mapping archetype attribute to data table column, and designed an archetypedriven data persistence and data access platform. Based on the archetype relational mapping (ARM) method, we extended the archetype query language (AQL) by adding INSERT, UPDATE, and DETELE clauses to support full data manipulation. Results showed that, ARM is 69 times faster than Node+Path and 8 times faster than RMORM when querying 3 results in 1 231 records, and ARM is 2 times faster than Node+Path and 17 times faster than RMORM when querying 1 593 results in 128 141 records. With technics such as ARM and AQL, the data platform can achieve high performance while keeping the advantage of openEHR twolevel modeling in healthcare information expression, storage, and access.
〖WTHZ〗Key words:〖WTBZ〗〖BP(〗┣┣(英)关键词┫┫〖BP)〗〖HT〗〖ST〗〖WT〗〖HJ〗〖HK〗
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 432-437 [Abstract] ( 440 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1131 KB)  ( 809 )
438 Comparison and Measurement of Plaque Heights for Carotid FlowMediated Dilation Based on Ultrasound Phantom
CAI Wen Juan1YANG Xin2,3 XU Hong Wei4    LIU Yang4      LIANG Hua Geng5     HE Chu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.08
The aim of this study was to find the most efficient measurement method used for the early diagnosis and treatment of carotid atherosclerosis in clinic. Measurement experiments based on the ultrasound phantom were designed to obtain the plaque heights for flowmediated dilation (FMD). The quantitative analysis and comparison were made among these methods. Actual heights of simulated plaques in carotid ultrasoundphantom were used as the golden standard of the measurement. Measurement experiments for the plaques heights were designed for FMD evaluation. Plaque height measurements were implemented on two individual software of ultrasonographybased specialized software (USS) and our developed segmentation software (OSS), with three different measurement methods: transverse direct measurement (or transverse plaques height measurement, TPHM); transverse indirect measurement (or transverse plaques area measurement, TPAM); longitudinal direct measurement (or longitudinal plaques height measurement, LPHM). The measurement methods were evaluated according to the plaques heights. The measurement results between USS and OSS were statistically and significantly different (P<0.05), but the means of their difference are less than 0.02 cm with three different plaque heights. For TPAM, USS has a better performance on accuracy than OSS while for TPHM and LPHM, the conclusions were opposite. In conclusion, results obtained from the two measurements are both close to the golden standard, while the accuracy of OSS is higher than the USS.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 438-446 [Abstract] ( 326 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2324 KB)  ( 508 )
447 Degradation Behaviors for PLLA Bioresorbable Scaffolds in Both Static and Dynamic Degradation Systems
LUO Qi Yi1,2 HUANG Chu Bo2*WANG Shuai2     MENG Juan2       CHANG Zhao Hua1,2ZHU Yu Fang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.09
In this study, static and dynamic degradation systems were set up to understand the degradation behaviors of PLLA (polyllactic acid)bioresorbable scaffolds (BRS) between the two systems. GPC and MDSC methods were employed to characterize molecular weight and thermodynamic properties of the material. Surface morphology, mass loss, diameter and radial strength of BRS were evaluated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), electronic balance, noncontact measurement system and radial force tester, respectively. The results showed that molecular weight (Mw) of the BRS kept dropping in static and dynamic systems with increasing degradation time, and it was reduced to 61.7% and 68.5% of their original Mw (0) respectively after six months, but there were no significant differences between the two systems. Polydispersity index(PDI)of PLLA in the dynamic system was larger than that in the static system, suggesting inhomogeneous degradation in the dynamic degradation system. Thermodynamic properties, the surface morphology and the changes of outside diameters(OD)as well as the radial strengths were quite similar in the two systems. Based on these results, the complex dynamic degradation system could be replaced by the static degradation system for studying degradation behaviors of PLLA BRS products within 6 months.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 447-454 [Abstract] ( 314 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2542 KB)  ( 662 )
455 Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for Retinal Prosthesis
REN Mao Hua1,2ZHANG Jing Yong1WU Tian Zhun1    QIU Wei Bao1    ZHENG Hai Rong1#LI Guang Lin1  &nb
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.010
In recent years,the retinal prosthesis has become a hot point in vision restoration. This paper introduces the main categories and implementation methods of ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) for retinal prosthesis. The comparison of the implementation of epiretinal prosthesis and subretinal prosthesis is made to clarify their advantages as well as disadvantages. The basic theories and research progress of the power and data telemetry module, global digital controller and neural stimulator array are discussed. Challenges and potential trends in the design of ASIC for retinal prosthesis are discussed as well.
〖WTHZ〗Key words:〖WTBZ〗〖BP(〗┣┣(英)关键词┫┫〖BP)〗〖HT〗〖ST〗〖WT〗〖HJ〗〖HK〗
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 455-466 [Abstract] ( 433 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4166 KB)  ( 899 )
467 Research Progress in Study of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds and their Pore Morphologies by Supercritical CO2 Foaming Technology
MA Teng1     CHEN Ai Zheng1 WANG Shi Bin1,2*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.011
As a carrier for the cell growth, tissue engineering scaffolds play important roles in the development of tissueengineered tissue. Conventional methods have been widely studied in manufacture of threedimension scaffolds. However, there are still some obstacles, such as the complication in process, removing organic solvents completely and maintaining the bioactivity of biomolecules loaded. Due to its environmentfriendship and high diffusion rate, the supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) technology, particularly the supercritical foaming process, has been widely exploited for producing tissue engineering scaffolds. The pore morphologies of the resulting scaffolds are largely dependent on physical and chemical parameters including the chemical composition, porogen and processing parameters. This article mainly reviews the development of tissue engineering scaffolds and the study of their pore morphologies by supercritical CO2 foaming technology. Advices regarding existing problems and prospective research are also proposed.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 467-474 [Abstract] ( 332 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1823 KB)  ( 612 )
475 Research Progress on AdiposeDerived Stem Cells in Cartilage Tissue Engineering
ZHAO Ming Can     LIU Chang*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.012
The potential for adiposederived stem cells (ADSCs) of differentiating into chondrocytes has attracted increasing attentions in recent years. As seed cells, ADSCs have broad prospects in the use of cartilage tissue engineering. However, methods to obtain high quality cells are still lack and have
not been recognized in the world. Although various methods such as exogenous growth factors, genetic modification, coculture, growth factors ally with coculture, and scaffold materials can induce the differentiation of ADSCs into chondrocytes, the pros and cons of each method, signaling pathways of differentiation and traits of neochondrocytes are not clear in detail. This paper introduced the status and problems of multiple methods mentioned above, and discussed the influence of the chemical factors, donor age, organizations to get parts etc. on the cell culture, aiming to provide a theoretical reference for the clinical application of ADSCs.
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 475-481 [Abstract] ( 407 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1296 KB)  ( 656 )
482 Research on Selection Algorithm of EEG Signal Features and SVM Based Model for Driver’s Fatigue Recognition
XIE Hong* ZHOU Xiao Li     XIA Bin    YANG Wen Lu    YAO Nan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.013
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 482-486 [Abstract] ( 608 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1864 KB)  ( 935 )
487 Construction and Analysis of Finite Element Model of L4~L5 Lumbar Motion Segment from CT Images
FANG Xin Guo1     ZHAO Gai Ping1* WANG Chen Xi1    BAI Lei Lei1    YAN Wen Tao1    &n
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.014
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 487-492 [Abstract] ( 384 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2748 KB)  ( 565 )
493 Design and Realization of a Treadmill for Rat Training Based on SensoryBalanceExercise
ZHAO Jun     ZOU Ren Ling     XU Xiu Lin    HU Xiu Fang   ZHAO Zhan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.015
研究开发一种集感觉、平衡、运动功能训练为一体的多功能大鼠训练台,进行感觉-平衡-运动的训练。可在0~31 cm/s范围内实现跑道的无级调速,左右最大摇摆角度15°,前后最大摇摆角度10°。在所设定参数范围内该跑台可以完成多功能的训练。对健康大鼠与脑损伤大鼠在不同跑台参数下的运动,通过对跑台运动速度、转动角度、摇摆速度等相关参数的计算建立跑台的运动学模型;通过运动学中矢量法计算训练摇摆速度等参数并与实际测量结果进行比较;用样本量为24(24只健康大鼠)的大鼠训练,选择不同摇摆角度、运动速度等参数的控制做训练运动。结果表明,该跑台左右摇摆、前后摇摆速度误差均在容许误差范围±0.3 次/min内;左右摇摆跑道理论最大摇摆角度值为14.94°,实际测量值为15°;前后摇摆跑道理论最大摇摆角度值为9.93°,实际测量值为10°,两者均在容许误差范围±0.2°内,从而可证明训练跑台设计的合理性。经大鼠训练测试,该跑台运动状态良好,结构稳定,设计方案可满足脑损伤大鼠运动、感觉、平衡综合功能训练的要求。
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 493-497 [Abstract] ( 512 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1826 KB)  ( 690 )
498 Research on a Evaluation System of Human Balance Capacity Based on Random Visual Stimulation
XIAO Jin Zhuang1*SUI Shao Kun1      WANG Hong Rui1    CHENG Liang1    XU Yan Wei2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.016
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 498-502 [Abstract] ( 367 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1599 KB)  ( 550 )
503 Experimental on Cryopreservation of Liver Composite
YANG Bo*   LIU Bao Lin    LI Juan    SHEN Li
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.017
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 503-507 [Abstract] ( 223 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2625 KB)  ( 391 )
508 Influences of Gravity Vector and Chemotaxis on ASCs Proliferation onto PLGA Electrospinning Membrane in Early Stage
ZHONG Xiao Min    CHEN Gang*ZHANG Sheng Min     QIAO Feng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2014.04.018
2014 Vol. 33 (4): 508-512 [Abstract] ( 309 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1731 KB)  ( 371 )
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