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2016 Vol. 35, No. 3
Published: 2016-06-20
Optic Disc Localization in Color Fundus Images Based on Fundus Structure Feature
Xiao Zhitao, Shao Yiting, Zhang Fang, Wen Jia, Geng Lei, Wu Jun, Shang Dandan, Su Long, Shan Chunyan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.001
The size and the shape of optic disc (OD) in fundus images are very important for diagnosing the fundus diseases, therefore the detection and localization of OD have important significance for computer-aided diagnosis of the ophthalmology diseases. In this paper, the OD localization method in color fundus images based on the characteristics of fundus structure was proposed. Firstly, vein vessels in fundus image were extracted based on the bot-hat transformation. Then, parabolic fitting algorithm based on the least square method was applied to get the preliminary localization of OD. Finally, the accurate localization of OD was determined through window-scanning. Comparative experimental results were obtained from four publicly available datasets (DRIVE, DIABETED0, STARE and MESSIDOR). Testing results were 100%, 98.6%, 93.8%, 99.75% respectively, which proved the accuracy and robust of the proposed method.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 257-263 [
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Fast Reducing Redundancy in Capsule Endoscopy Video Based on SURF
Liu Xiaoyan, Gong Junhui, Li Xiangdong, Wu Weining, Peng Tongsheng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.002
Capsule endoscopy captures tens of thousands of images through the whole digestive system with a large number of redundant images. To determine abnormal images would consume considerable time and effort of medical doctors by checking each frame. Therefore, it is meaningful to screen out the redundant images automatically. In this paper, feature points and the corresponding feature vector was extracted in successive capsule endoscopy frames with SURF. Vector angular was applied to evaluate the matching degree between two feature points from the successive frames. Maximum between-class variance was used to identify the matched feature points adaptively. Finally, the quantity of matched feature points and block matching degree was used as the index to screen out redundant images. Experimental tests in captured 128 videos by capsule endoscopy demonstrate that the proposed approach has a rapid processing speed of 0.06 seconds/frame, with good performance in the recall, precision and F-measure index (81%, 90%, and 85%, respectively). Moreover, it shows good robustness to uncertainties such as peristalsis, illumination and bubbles.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 264-271 [
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Study on Emotion Recognition with Integrating EEG Homologous Samples Method
Liu Shuang, Tong Jingjing, Yang Jiajia, Qi Hongzhi, Ming Dong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.003
There are numerous studies measuring brain emotional status by analyzing EEGs under the emotional stimuli that have occurred, and acceptable accuracies were obtained in existing researches. However, emotion classification model would be challenged when it was applied in practical application. Shared non-emotional information in homologous samples may make the classification model easier to recognize the samples in the testing set, resulting in higher accuracies in EEG-based emotion recognition. In the pattern recognition, we proposed a new sample-divided method, named integrating homologous samples method, where the homologous samples were either used to build a classifier, or to be tested. In this paper, affective pictures and videos were used to elicit four emotional states of neutral, happy, sad, and disgust from 10 subjects, and EEG signals were recorded during the pictures or videos display. PSD were extracted from EEGs of 6 frequency bands (θ: 4-8 Hz, α: 8-12 Hz, β1: 13-18 Hz, β2: 18-30 Hz, γ1: 30-36 Hz and γ2: 36-44 Hz), and then sent to a SVM for classification. The results showed that the classification accuracy was much lower for the integrating homologous samples method (IHSM) than for the traditional dividing the samples randomly (TDSR). For the image evoked task, 43.92% and 34.15% were obtained by TDSR and IHSM, respectively. There were 94.45% and 37.88% for video evoked task. SVM-RFE was employed to select emotional features and improved the classification rates to 76.22% and 72.35% for these two tasks. The proposed method avoided the overinflated accuracies brought by the traditional method, and handle this problem is an important and necessary step from the laboratory to the practical application.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 272-277 [
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An Assessment of Linear Superposition Conditions for 40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Responses
Lin Lin, Tan Xiaodan, Wang Tao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.004
Multi-rate steady-state averaging deconvolution (MSAD) is a newly developed method to restore the transient auditory evoked-potential (AEP) from the auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) based on superposition hypothesis. This method requires that the variation of stimulus rates impose no substance influence on the response so that the model is applicable and viable. In this study, we recorded eight ASSRs from 20 subjects of 40-Hz average rate (from 27.2 Hz to 57.1 Hz), from which the transient AEP can be derived by the MSAD method. The AEP was then used to synthesize the ASSRs at the same recording rates. By comparing them with the recorded ASSRs, we examined the differences on the featured waves and the ASSR morphology. Results showed the peak-peak amplitudes of V-Na and the latencies of wave-Vs were close, and no statistic difference between recorded ASSR and synthetic ASSR at 36.8 and 39.1 Hz, whereas the minimum relative error of 7.95% was achieved at 36.8 Hz ASSR. It can be concluded that the stimulus rate has little effect on the responses within these range, which justifies the applicability of the MSAD method.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 278-283 [
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Heart Rate Measurements Using Principal Component Analysis and Overlapping Histgram Based on Video Signal
Zhao Yantao, Fu Meiling, Wang Bin, Zhang Xuguang, Li Xiaoli
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.005
The technique photo plethysmo graphy (PPG) shows that the light intensity has a periodical change with the change of blood volume. So the facial skin color will change a little along with the pulse. The technique can be used to measuring heart rate with many advantages, such as low cost, no contact and no electrode. This is helpful to remote medical monitoring and other fields. In this paper ordinary camera was used to collect human face videos. The principle components was extracted by calculating average values of green components on the three face regions through principal component analysis (PCA),and the noise was eliminated. The smoothing methods was used after PCA, and the detrending method was utilized in this paper. The peaks of signal were detected by the peak detecting method that was proposed in this work, which reduced detection of wrong peaks. Then the method of overlapping histogram statistics was used to get heart rate through calculating the intervals between peaks of the pulse signal. The proposed method was compared with results obtained from CMS-50D Finger clip type pulse oximeter of CONTEC company(measurement samples was 170)and MP150 multi-channel physiological recorder of BIOPAC company(measurement samples was 110)with the statistics method of Bland-Altma. Comparison of the results from CMS-50D with that from the proposed methods showed that the overlapping histogram statistics method reduced the standard deviations of the conformance assessment form 12.4 beats/min to 8 beats/min. Comparison of the results from MP150 with that from the proposed methods showed that the mean and the standard deviations of the conformance assessment was 1.81 and 3.18 bpm respectively, indicating the results were in good consistency.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 284-291 [
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Exploration of Pathogenesis in Immune System of Breast Cancer and Alzheimer′s Disease Based on Mutual Information
Liu Fang, Kong Wei, Mou Xiaoyang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.006
In recent years, a growing number of epidemiological studies have shown that many kinds of cancer and Alzheimer′s disease have an inverse association, but the molecular biological mechanism remains unclear. Researching the inverse association from gene signal transduction and regulatory networks will play an important role in exploring the pathogenesis of both diseases. Breast cancer (BC) and AD were selected to be analyzed. Taking account of that the traditional genes extraction algorithms focused on a single gene expressed differently in different samples and ignored the links among the correlation genes, mutual information (MI) was utilized to extract the differentially expressed genes in the two diseases basing on the correlation among genes using as feature genes. In this paper, considering the limitation of network component analysis (NCA),such as the strong constraint conditions and the long running time, fast-network component analysis (FastNCA), improved by NCA,was brought up to get the activity of transcription factors among feature genes and TF′s regulate strength of target genes, and construct two diseases transcriptional regulatory networks, respectively. Experimental results showed that the activities and the regulate and control strength of TFs were totally opposite in the two diseases, for example POLR2E, RFC5, THOC4, FBXO22, KPNA1, MYST3 and PTBP1, for example, transcription factors RFC5 activities in BC decreased from 0.269 to 0.077, and in AD increased by -0.430 to 0.307. According to the experiment and analysis of molecular biology, the regulate relationship and the biological process influence from these TFs play a vital role in BC and AD.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 292-300 [
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Genome-Wide Smoke Related Methylation Signature Genes Identification for Lung Adenocarcinomas
Wang Shixiang, Zhang Fei, Wang Ling, Song Kai
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.007
To understand the biological mechanism of never smoker lung adenocarcinomas, we focused on the genome-wide methylation values (ME) to discover signature genes for the distinguishing of current/never smokers. In order to overcome the disadvantages of small-size-high-dimension, high noise and to overcome the predominate influence of the whole genome to the dozens of signature genes, a new integrative selection method was used iteratively to uncover the real signature genes. To do this, instead of using only one criteria for gene selection, we identified genes according to their significance test performance, the relationship between their methylation levels and expression levels, the biological function and the contribution to the current/never smoker classification. As a result, 48 genes were identified as ME smoke related signature genes based on the 127 lung adenocarcinoma samples downloaded from TCGA database. Then we used 64 EDRN lung adenocarcinoma samples as an independent validation set. Only using the methylation values of these 48 signature genes, the current/never smoker classification accuracy of TCGA training set is87.5% (SN=87.2%, SP=87.8%) and for EDRN validation set is 76.4% (SN=80.2%, SP=73.6%), respectively. Cross-study proved the highly cancer related of 17 important genes in our 48 signature genes. Addition to these results, we proved the importance of their corresponding methylation values. The ingenuity pathway (IPA) and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) pathways analysis indicated the relationships among these genes on the genetic network level and pathway levels. They also indicated they are involved in the highly cancer-related pathways.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 301-309 [
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A Simulation Study Applied to Evaluation of Body Surface Potential Mapping in Ventricular Ectopic Pacemaker Separation and Influence of Lead Density
Hu Xiaogang, Li Xinya, Peng Yi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.008
Based on our constructed whole heart electrophysiological model, a simulation study was performed to evaluate body surface potential mapping (BSPM) in the ventricular ectopic pacemaker separation and the influence of lead density. 24 ventricular ectopic pacemakers were selected located in the area of the Purkinje fibers, among them 18 in a horizontal ventricular section within the region of 12.5 mm×16 mm and 6 in a vertical line with the length of 7.5 mm. For each ectopic pacemaker in the same region, correlation coefficients of QRS integral map of BSPM (BSPM
) between itself and every other ones were calculated. The two selected ventricular ectopic pacemakers were considered to be separable if the correlation coefficient was less than a threshold of 0.95. Lead density was reduced by evenly deleting the columns or rows in the lead array under the condition that the remaining leads covering the same area as the original ones. Using the method of statistical inverse deduction, the values of the whole leads were estimated based on the potentials on the leads with lower density. And the correlation coefficients between the estimated potentials and the simulated ones were calculated. The resolutions for ventricular ectopic pacemaker separation with lower lead density were evaluated as well. Results showed that the resolution for horizontal ventricular section was (2.80±0.62) mm. And the resolution for the vertical line was (3.25±0.39) mm. When the lead numbers were changed from the original 252 to 132, 72 and 36, the correlation coefficients of the estimated potentials and the simulated ones were 0.987±0.050,0.946±0.060 and 0.852±0.080, respectively. At the same time, resolution of separating ventricular ectopic pacemakers decreased with the reduction of lead density. In addition to proving the validation of our constructed model, the usability tests provide delighting information about the influence of lead density on the performance of BSPM.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 310-316 [
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Preparation and Characterization of PSF Hollow Fiber Hemodialysis Membrane
Pan Zhenqiang, Ma Xiaohua, Xu Zhenliang, Jiang Banghe
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.009
A novel hollow fiber hemodialysis membrane was fabricated for medical applications. The polysulfone(PSF) membrane was prepared by nonsolvent-induced phase separation (NIPS) method using diethylene glycol (DEG) as the pore former, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP-K30) as the modification agent and dimethylacetamide (DMAC) as a solvent. The effect of PSF content on the morphology, permeation performance,hydrophilicity and mechanical strength of the prepared PSF membranes was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dialysis test, contact angle, porosity and tensile test, respectively. In order to test the effects of membrane dialysis properties, the dialysis tests were conducted by using the simulated solutions containing creatine, phosphate and VB
. The pore size and molecular weight cut-off(MWCO) were obtained from the rejections of the different PEG molecular weights (MW 1 000,2 000, 4 000, 6 000, 10 000, 20 000) in the ultrafiltration experiment. The experimental results showed that the optimal mass fraction of the casting solutions was following: 21% for PSF, 10% for DEG and 10%for PVP. The ultrafiltration coefficient, break strength, pore size and MWCO of the membrane reached 185.1mL/m
·h·mmHg, 5.22 MPa, 5.00nm and14 200, respectively. Besides, the membrane also had ideal clearance of solutes for creatine, phosphate and VB
. The good permeability performance and the excellent mechanical property were suitable for hemodialysis.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 317-323 [
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Study on the Primary Stability of Implants post Immediate Implantation
You Jia, Zhou Lefeng, Peng Wei, Gao Yilin, Yao Chunyan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.010
A good primary stability post immediate implantation was the key factor to achieve success of implantation. The bone defect due to periodontitis, trauma or tooth extraction, the magnitude of interference between the implant and tooth socket could affect the primary stability of implants. This article established a new classification model for the degree of bone wall defect, and with the help of finite element software ABAQUS. The classification could acquire the root-analogue implant’s primary stability with different interference and defective degree of bone wall. Next, inserting implant in analog bone to comparative analysis. Results showed that primary stability became higher with the increase of magnitude of interference, and with the increase of bone defect degree, primary stability declined. In the three walls of bone defect, when there was no interference between the implant and tooth socket, the implant stability quotient(ISQ) was less than 40; and when the magnitude of interference was 0.2mm, the ISQ values were all over 50. It was shown that the interference made a great effect on the primary stability. The ISQ values were almost below 40 when the bone around implant was one wall of bone defect, and we should increase the magnitude of interference to increase primary stability. According to the different degree of bone defect, the required magnitude of interference was different. The established classification could provide theoretical basis for custom-made root-analogue implant in the future.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 324-329 [
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Research on the Synthesis of Modified Bacterial Cellulose/Hydroxyapatite Sponges
Nan Fang, Wang Qiaoli, Lai Chen, Xi Tingfei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.011
The purpose of this study is to investigate three kinds of preparation methods for bacterial cellulose and hydroxyapatite sponges and compare the microstructure and characteristics.The modified bacterial cellulose (TBC) and hydroxyapatite (HA) sponges were fabricated by
in situ
formation, physical mixing orbiomineralization. Samples prepared by the different methods were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy spectrum analysis(EDX),X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier IR transform spectroscopy (ATR-FTI). Furthermore mechanical performance of the sponges prepared with different parameters were tested as well.Experimental results showed that by the
in situ
formation, physical mixing orbiomineralization HA was successfully deposited on TBC nanofibers, but mechanisms were different.By the
in situ
formation method, HA nanoparticles took the form of chelate keys associated with TBC nano fibers on the carboxyl. In the physical mixing orbiomineralization methods, HA nanoparticles became electrostatically adsorbed on TBC nanofibers.XRD results showed that there were obvious (211) peaks in the scaffolds synthesized by different methods, but there were significant differences in the morphology of the peaks.Mechanical results showed that microstructure and mechanical properties of sponge also had very big difference with different composite methods. By the
in situ
formation method, the scaffold minimum intensity was reduced from 4.67MPa to 1.00MPa,while by the biomineralization, scaffold maximum intensitywas increased from 4.67MPa to 5.55MPa. Through the analysis of the microstructure and characterization of the scaffolds,our study could provide the basis for their application to bone tissue engineering.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 330-339 [
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The Review of Model-Based fMRI Approach
Chen Fuqin, Zhang Junran, Yang Bing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.012
Model-based fMRI approach has emerged as a promising potential technique in neuroimaging field since the new century. Compared to conventional fMRI approach, model-based fMRI approach can provide insight into how a particular cognitive process is implemented in a specific brain area or brain circuit as opposed to merely identifying where a particular process is located. It can reveal the relationship between internal variable of the model and the neuroimaging data, which provides an important approach to investigate brain functional activity effectively. This article mainly focused on the model-based fMRI approach in terms of the two computational frameworks (modeling single area: including reinforcement learning model and subjective value model; modeling brain areas interaction: psychophysiological interaction), and briefly described the application of model-based fMRI approach as well as its latest progress. Finally, we discussed the existing deficiencies of this approach and a prospect for its future development trend.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 340-347 [
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Shearing Device for
Simulation of Mechanical Blood Damage: A Review
Chen Xi, Yin Chengke, Wu Peng, Xu Boling
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.013
Due to the increase of dietary changes and aging population, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has surged in modern society. Mechanical circulatory support devices (MCSDs) have become a viable therapeutic solution to assist or replace the failing heart and/or lung, maintaining patients′ physiological circulation. Despite that MCSDs have been developed as bridges to save patients′ lives, blood damage due to non-physiological high shear stress in the flow field within MCSDs has been a major disadvantage. To date, the underlying mechanism has not been studied thoroughly. Therefore, various types of blood shearing devices (BSDs) have been developed. In this paper, a number of representative BSDs were reviewed, including cone-plate and annular Couette types of BSDs. The annular Couette BSDs that are being widely-used were discussed in details. Furthermore, this review discussed the influence of certain parameters and experimental setup on the results. At last, from gap precision, flow design, method of seal and support, even temperature controlling, an outlook for future BSDs was given.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 348-356 [
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Progress and Prospect of Small-Diameter Vascular Grafts Research
Jiang Li, Chen Siyuan, Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Shufang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.014
There is a growing demand of vascular grafts for clinical treatment, the problem is also general, and especially the small-diameter vascular’s incidence rate of restenosis is high after implantation. Tissue engineering has been applied in the fabrication of vascular grafts, the bionic and tissue regeneration. Tissue engineered vascular graft have been developed as alternative to autografts, but the low patency limit their clinical application. In this review, we introduced the latest develepment of vascular grafts in both domestic and foreign research, including the fabrication and modification of artificial vascular scaffolds, the role of cellular and extracellular microenvironment in artificial vascular reconstruction. We also discussed the problems and prospects of the directions for the future research of tissue engineered vascular grafts.
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 357-364 [
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Research on Coupling Approaches for Implantable Human Body Communication Technology
Wang Xiaochen, Zhang Guanghao, Huo Xiaolin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.015
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 365-369 [
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Research on Integrated Fluorescence Activated Droplet Sorting System
Sheng Guangji, Zhu Jun, Fan Yubo, Li Ang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.016
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 370-374 [
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A Comparison of Magnetic Response Spectroscopy Quantification Tools between TARQUIN and LCModel
Xue Aiguo, Liu Renyuan, Xu Lingyi, Zhang Bing, Sun Yu, Wan Suiren
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.017
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 375-379 [
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Experiments Research of Somatosensory Interaction Based Control Method for Fracture Reduction Robot
Su Yonggang, Sun Zhibin, Zhu Gang, Wang Yu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2016.03.018
2016 Vol. 35 (3): 380-384 [
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Copyright © Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
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Beijing Magtech