Abstract:Electroencephalography (EEG) has advantages of portability, high temporal resolution and real-time operation, therefore has been used to recognize, monitor, and track human's emotion in the fields of healthcare, entertainment, education and so on. However, due to the non-stationarity and individual differences in EEG signals, it is difficult to effectively and efficiently extract informative and useful emotion related characteristics using traditional methods. To obtain representative features in an efficient manner and improve emotion classification accuracy, we proposed a feature fusion based deep residual networks using deep and shallow learning for EEG-based emotion recognition. The proposed model consisted of three modules: a shallow feature extraction module, a deep feature extraction module, and a classification module. First, the shallow feature extraction module was designed with multiple convolution layers to extract shallow tempo-spatial features. Second, the deep feature extraction module employed a Bi-GRU layer and the attention mechanism to extract deep tempo-spatial features from the extracted shallow features. Third, the classification module was designed with a fully connected layer for binary classification. The proposed model used a subject-based leave-one-out cross-validation on the DEAP database with 76 800 samples, and achieved a good performance in emotion recognition with the binary classification accuracy of 96.95% for valence and 97.22% for arousal. Comparing to the existing methods, our proposed model increased the accuracies by 3.53% and 4.25% for valence and arousal, respectively. Further, the good performance of the proposed model in binary emotion classification was also validated in MAHNOB-HCI and SEED databases as well.
周如双, 赵慧琳, 林玮玥, 胡婉柔, 张力, 黄淦, 李琳玲, 张治国, 梁臻. 基于深浅特征融合的深度卷积残差网络的脑电情绪识别模型[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2021, 40(6): 641-652.
Zhou Rushuang, Zhao Huilin, Lin Weiyue, Hu Wanrou, Zhang Li, Huang Gan, Li Linling, Zhang Zhiguo, Liang Zhen. Feature Fusion Based Deep Residual Networks Using Deep and Shallow Learning for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2021, 40(6): 641-652.
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