Research on Delta-Gamma Phase Amplitude Coupling Based on Mental Fatigue
Yang Shuo, Ji Yakun, Wang Lei*, Hao Pengru, Xu Guizhi
Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and ElectricalApparatus Reliability of Hebei Province,State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment, School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130,China
Abstract:Mental fatigue is a state that a person cannot concentrate and finish the task efficiently because of long-term highly concentration on the work, which has extremely influenced upon the health and life of people. However, there have been no simple and effective detection methods.Meanwhile recent studies have found out that phase amplitude coupling (PAC) between low and high rhythm may be related to the information integration in cognitive activities, providing new messages for the detection of mental fatigue.In this paper, the phase amplitude coupling between delta and gamma rhythm was used to study the EEG data recorded before and after mental fatigue. Neuroscan EEG system was used to collect data, and phase amplitude coupling of 14 subjects were calculated and analyzed by paired t test. The results showed that the delta phase of over 90% electrodeson the whole brain area jointly modulated gamma amplitude of frontal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe and frontal lobe, and the coupling effect among different brain regions significantly increased in the first three subareas while the last region significantly decreased when participants were mental fatigued. This study showed that phase amplitude coupling could predict the change of macroscopic behavior caused by mental fatigue and provide a new index for the detection of mental fatigue.
杨硕, 冀亚坤, 王磊, 郝鹏茹, 徐桂芝. 基于脑疲劳的Delta-Gamma相位幅值耦合研究[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2018, 37(4): 445-450.
Yang Shuo, Ji Yakun, Wang Lei, Hao Pengru, Xu Guizhi. Research on Delta-Gamma Phase Amplitude Coupling Based on Mental Fatigue. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, 37(4): 445-450.
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