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2017 Vol. 36, No. 4
Published: 2017-08-20

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385 3D Reconstruction of Human Body Based on Orthogonal Matching Pursuit and Accelerated Proximal Gradient
Wang Yaming, Zhai Junpeng, Mo Yan, Han Yonghua, Jiang Mingfeng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.001
In order to improve the reconstruction accuracy of the 3D structure of human body, the optimal selection of atoms and the optimization of structure matrix in the process of reconstruction were investigated in this work. On the basis of the sparse representation and low-rank constraint, we proposed anorthogonal matching pursuit and accelerated proximal gradient (OMP-APG) algorithm to provide a wealth information to assist medical doctors to work out the treatment plan quickly and accurately. First of all, the feature matrix was decomposed by singular value decomposition (SVD), and the uniquely determined camera rotation matrix was obtained by LM (Levenberg-Marquardt) algorithm. Secondly, according to the idea of “maximization approximation” in sparse representation, the trajectory basis coefficients were solved by orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm, combined with a predefined trajectory basis to solve the 3D structure of the human body matrix. Finally, considering that the structure matrix was a low rank matrix, the rank optimization problem was transformed into the nuclear norm minimization problem, and the human body structure matrix was further optimized by the accelerated proximal gradient algorithm. The algorithm and sparse approximation algorithms were compared in five motion models including stretch, yoga, pick up, drink and dance in 3D reconstruction with the 3D reconstruction renderings and 3D reconstruction errors. The results showed that the reconstruction accuracy was higher and had better stability. In this algorithm, the reconstruction of drink motion was the best, and the reconstruction error of the 41 feature points of the 1102 frame image sequence was about 0.0303, while the reconstruction error under the sparse algorithm was about 0.0178. In conclusion, the algorithm improved the reconstruction accuracy of the human three-dimensional structure.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 385-393 [Abstract] ( 552 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1102 KB)  ( 696 )
394 Evaluation of Tumor Target Changes Before and After Radiation Therapy Based on PET/CT Deformation Image Registration
Zhang Lulu, Yang Juan, Huang Pu, Zhao Rui, Ma Changsheng, Yin Yong, Li Dengwang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.002
The metabolic information provided by PET images can be used to define the high recurrence region, which is of great significance for accurate treatment planning. This study proposed a multi-resolution deformable registration method to extract the deformation field between CT images in two inter-fractions, and then applied the deformation field to PET images. By defining the SUV (standard uptake value) thresholds we determined the outlines in two PET images and then calculated their overlapping ratio to obtain high uptake regions, which are good for retrospectively performing accurate radiation therapy in the next fraction. Twenty-two patients with lung cancer were included in this study. The preliminary results showed that residual hyper-metabolic region after radiotherapy well overlapped with gross tumor volume (GTV) before radiotherapy: the overlapping ratios were 95.2±0.6%, 96.6±3.4% and 100% with the SUVmax threshold defined to 70%, 80% and 90%, respectively; the overlapping ratio was 86.0±6.6% and 97.0±3.0% with the thresholds confined to SUV2.5 and SUV5.0, respectively. The high overlap rate of the high uptake area of fluorodeoxyglucose showed that the location of the lesion was relatively stable before and after radiotherapy, and the residual tumor after radiotherapy was located in the area of FDG uptake before radiotherapy. Preliminary results showed that this study had a potential ability of determining target reaction to radiotherapy and was good for retrospectively increasing radiation dose to residual tumor target with good protection to organs and tissues, showing potentials of realizing accurate radiotherapy.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 394-400 [Abstract] ( 505 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (948 KB)  ( 693 )
401 A Novel Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Female Pelvic Floor Muscle Using Ultrasound Elastography
Huang Shuai, Li Ling, Lian Li, Guo Juan, Tao Zi, Zhu Chaochao, Wang Huifang, Lu Minhua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.003
Female pelvic floor dysfunction is a common disease which has become one of the five common chronic diseases threatening women's health. As one of supporting structures, pelvic floor muscle is critical to support the pelvic organs, maintain continence and prevent prolapse. Quantitative evaluation of pelvic floor muscle biomechanics is of great value for the diagnosis and treatment of female pelvic floor dysfunction. Our study aims to propose a noninvasive, quantitative and objective method for motion analysis of the pelvic floor muscles. Ultrasound data and force data during continuous contractive activitieswere simultaneously collected based on transperineal ultrasound scanners from 50 subjects. A two-dimensional motion tracking algorithm was used to monitor the motion of the pelvic floor muscles. Muscle displacement field was then computed. The parameter defined as MPu that is the tangential displacements of one interested point near pubis from the valid data of 37 subjects, showed good correlation with clinical measurement parameter (LBP) (r=-0.93). The continuous control ability of the pelvic muscles was further evaluated by measuring the average maintain time of the maximal contraction force and the maximum muscle thickness. Both of them were computed from the valid data of 37 subjectsand showed good correlation with the clinical grading result of prolapse. It is concluded that ultrasound measurements of tissue motions and biomechanics are of great value for clinical pelvic floor prolapse diagnosis.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 401-409 [Abstract] ( 557 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1053 KB)  ( 1166 )
410 Synthesized Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Based on the Superposition Hypothesis
Gao Qian, Wang Tao, Zhan Changan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.004
The aim of this study is to validate the superposition hypothesis that attempts to explain the stead-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) in terms of linear convolution of the transient visual evoked potential (tVEP) and the stimulus train. From ten healthy adult subjects, we recorded the VEPs elicited by checkerboard pattern reversal at a series of stimulation rates (4, 7.1, 7.7, 8.3, 9.1, 10, 11.1, 12.5, 14.3, 16.7, 20, 25 rev/s). Then we synthesized the SSVEPs for each stimulation rate (7.1-25 rev/s) using the original tVEP recorded at 4 rev/s and its waveform transformations in amplitude and phase. We used the Hotelling T2 test to compare the synthesized SSVEPs (s-SSVEPs) with different tVEP templates and the recorded SSVEPs (r-SSVEPs) for each stimulation rate. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the synthetic SSVEPs and the recorded SSVEPs within the range of 7.1-9.1 rev/s stimulation rate based on the linear superposition principle when the actual recorded tVEP was used as a template (P>0.05), and there was a significant difference in the range of 10-25 rev/s stimulation rate (P<0.05), and the error between the two increases with the increase of the stimulus rate; and that the amplitude- and phase-transformed tVEPs can make no significant difference between the synthetic results and the measured reaction (P>0.05), the error between them was also decreased, and remained stable within the range of measured stimuli. These findings indicate that the tVEP waveforms vary with the stimulation rate, and that the validation of the superposition hypothesis requests the determination of the actual tVEP measurement at each stimulation rate.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 410-417 [Abstract] ( 458 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1233 KB)  ( 473 )
418 Detection of Freezing of Gait for Parkinson's Disease Patients Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Wang Jinjia, Liu Qingyu, Chen Hao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.005
The freezing of gait(FOG)is the most common symptoms of late-stage Parkinson's disease. The sudden attack of FOG can cause patients walking trouble. It is an effective and feasible treatment method to equip patients with wearable device assistant which can detect FOG. When the FOG attack is detected, the wearable device provides patients with the rhythm of the auditory signal to HELP the recovery of walking. In this article, in view of FOG detection, we proposed a systemic feature learning method. This method used a convolutional neural networkbased on deep learning to automatically conduct feature learning from the original input signals. And a supervised learning method was adopted to improve learned features' recognition capability using tag information. In the entire network model, feature learning and classification reinforced each other to make the whole network more stable and more intelligent, which was verified by the DAPHNet datasets. Compared with the previous threshold method, the average correct rate was increased to 91.43%, the sensitivity was increased to 85.58% and the specificity was increased to 93.63%. To some extent, the proposed methodcould alleviate the FOG of patients with Parkinson's disease, and reduce the number of falls, which is of great significance to improve the ability of daily life of the patients and the quality of life.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 418-425 [Abstract] ( 1361 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (991 KB)  ( 1739 )
426 Effects of Different Stimulating Positions on the Hearing Compensation Performance of Piezoelectric Middle Ear Implant
Zhang Ying, Liu Houguang, Rao Zhushi, Huang Xinsheng, Yang Jianhua, Yang Shanguo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.006
To study the influence of stimulating positions on the hearing compensation performance of piezoelectric middle ear implant (MEI) and ascertain the optimal position for this type ofMEIs, we established a finite element model of human ear, The reliability of the model was verified by comparing the model-predicted results with the experimental data. Based on the model, the displacement stimulation was applied to the umbo, incus body, incus long process and round window. Then, the stimulating positions on the piezoelectric MEI's performance was studied by analyzing the corresponding displacements of the stapes footplate and basilar membrane. Using the displacement of stapes as an evaluation criterion, the round-window stimulation's performance was underestimated at higher frequencies. Compared with the umbo and incus body, basilar membrane displacement at the characteristic place was greater under the incus long process excitation. Basilar membrane displacement at characteristic place was the smallest when under the excitation of incus body. Basilar membrane displacement of the round-window stimulation at the characteristic place was smaller than that at the other positions at lower frequencies, but the exciting effect was the best at middle and high frequencies. In conclusion, the hearing compensation effect of incus long process excitation was the optimum, and the hearing compensation effect of round window excitation was the worst at frequencies below 400 Hz. When the frequency was higher than 1 kHz, the hearing compensation effect of round window excitation was better than that at the other positions. The traditional evaluation criteria that use the stapes footplate displacement would underestimate the performance of the round-window stimulating type MEI.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 426-433 [Abstract] ( 552 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1075 KB)  ( 854 )
434 A Fast and Precise Location Algorithm Research for the Pupil Center and the Corneal Reflection Spot Center
Yu Luo, Liu Hongying, Xu Shuai, Cai Jinzhi, Pi Xitian
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.007
The eye tracking system plays an important role in clinical medicine, in order to raise the recognition rate of the eye characteristic value in the system. A double filtration algorithm is innovatively proposed to locate the center of pupil and the center of corneal reflection in this paper. First, the acquired eyes image was processed by the pupil center location algorithm to reach binarization, and then the contour points with 100~300 was set as the threshold. Next, pupil contour was ellipse fitted using the least square ellipse fitting method, and the contour that was most close to the circle was used as the pupil contour to obtain pupil center. On this basis, the edge of the eye image in the certain range of the pupil center was detected, and then the external rectangular center of the contour was calculated. Taking the center of the pupil as the starting point for coordinate transformation, the corneal reflection spot center after converting coordinates was eventually calculated. This algorithm not only reduced the area of image processing to a certain extent, but also improvedthe processing speed and the recognition rate of reflection spot. The experimental results showed that the designed algorithm accurately located the pupil center and corneal reflex center in different conditions in real time. The maximum mean square deviation of pupil-corneal reflection vector was less than 0.74 pixels, and the average error was less than 0.53 pixels. The algorithm run at a speed of 12.8 ms/frame. The algorithm met the precision as well as showed very strong robustness, being of significance for the development of eye tracker.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 434-441 [Abstract] ( 631 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (998 KB)  ( 1382 )
442 Experimental Study of Linear Removing Cryoprotective Agents from MII Porcine Oocytes with Microfluidics Device
Zhou Xinli, Yang Yun, Dai Jianjun, Zhang Defu, Shao Wenqi, Yi Xingyue, Tao Leren
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.008
Cryoprotective agents (CPAs) must be removed from cryopreserved oocytes before used in clinic. Step-wise methods usually lead to the cell loss due to complicated operating steps, and may cause fatal osmotic injury to oocytes during CPAs removal process. In order to minimize the osmotic injury to oocytes, a microfluidic device for unloading CPAs from oocytes was designed and fabricated in this study. CPAs were linear unloaded from MII porcine oocytes with microfluidic device under different durations (6 min, 8 min and 10 min), the cell volume changes and the effects on the survival and developmental rate of oocytes were investigated, and then compared with that obtained by the conventional step-wise methods. Results showed that 8 min duration was optimal for linear unloading CPAs with microfluidic device. The linear method remarkably reduced the osmotic injury to oocytes during the removal of CPAs. The highest normalized swelling volume of oocyte only reached 1.12±0.07. The survival, cleavage and blastocyst rate of oocytes were 83.6%, 72.4% and 21.5%,respectively, which were significantly higher than those of one-step method and step-wise methods (P<0.05). In conclusion, linear unloading CPAs with the microfluidic method can significantly alleviate the osmotic damage to oocytes, which may provide a new path for oocyte cryopreservation.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 442-448 [Abstract] ( 393 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (870 KB)  ( 379 )
449 The Simulation of High Frequency Microwave Ablation Effect
Wu Xi, Liu Baolin, Xu Binkai
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.009
The permittivity of biological tissue can show the reaction on difference microwave frequency. Different tissue shows different permittivity under the same microwave frequency radiation, and the same tissue has different permittivity under different microwave frequency radiation. A numerical model reference to breast cancer was built to study the ablation difference between high frequency microwave (6 GHz, 12 GHz, 18 GHz) ablation and traditional microwave (915 MHz, 2 450 MHz) ablation and the clinical feasibility of high frequency microwave ablation was discussed. Simulation results showed that the 12 GHz microwave ablation caused the least damage to the normal tissue, which was 61.6% less than that caused by 2 450 MHz microwave ablation. The latter caused the most damage to the normal tissue when melting time was 600 s. The 6 GHz microwave ablation caused the least damage area in the normal tissue, which was 71.4% less than that caused by the 2 450 MHz microwave ablation. The latter caused the most damage to the normal tissue when the tumor tissue was damaged completely. When the temperature of tumor edge reached 52℃, the maximum difference of temperature was 111.2℃ in the 18 GHz microwave ablation, however, the difference of temperature was only 40.1℃ in the 2 450 MHz microwave ablation. Simulation results suggest that high frequency microwave ablation has advantages of material selection, less damage to the normal tissue, and more concentrated ablation area.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 449-455 [Abstract] ( 539 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1016 KB)  ( 601 )
456 Finite Element Analysis of Internal Fixation in Cervical Spinous Process Fracture
Shen Yan, Wang Chaoyang, Wu Rong, Chen Bo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.010
The aim of this work is to establish a three-dimensional finite element model of cervical spinous process fracture (extension into the lamina) after internal fixation and assure its availability to surgical treatment. Based on a finite element model of a normal cervical spine, a finite element model of cervical spinous process fracture (extension into the lamina) was developed according to the clinical case, with which an internal fixation therapy on fracture model was simulated. The range of motion (ROM) under flexion, extension, lateral-bending and axial rotation were measured and analyzed in the normal and fracture model and fixation model. The force loading was applied on both vertebra and internal fixation to elucidate the safety of this surgical therapy. It was shown that the finite element model of cervical spinous process fracture (extension into the lamina) had a high similarity and profile to the clinical case. The range of motion (ROM) on C7-T1 segment under each movement in fracture model (flexion+extension 9.20°, lateral-bending 5.83°, axial rotation 13.12°) was larger than that in the normal model(flexion+extension 7.11°, lateral-bending 4.92°, axial rotation 9.59°), especially in the rotation movement. The whole cervical vertebra was more stable under internal fixation (flexion+extension 4.07°, lateral-bending 2.21°, axial rotation 2.91°) with the safety of internal fixation system. In conclusion, the finite element model could be used to simulate the biomechanics of cervical spinous process fracture (extension into the lamina) to indicate the potential for delayed instability.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 456-463 [Abstract] ( 470 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1496 KB)  ( 686 )
464 Carbon Nanotubes Influence Dendritic Cells Maturation and T Cell Polarization
Dai Yali, Nie Xin, Liu Jian, Meng Jie, Xu Haiyan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.011
Th differentiation play a key role in modulating immune response, which is mainly controlled by dendritic cells (DCs). Carbon nanotubes are unique nanomaterials composed of carbon element with hollow tube structures, which could be used as antigen carrier. The interaction of carbon nanotubes with DCs is key factor modulating following immune responses. This work studied the interaction between oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNT) and DCs, and the mixture of CNT and allergic antigen peptide OVA323-339 (O-3) on DCs and DCs-mediated Th1/Th2 responses. Our results showed that CNT was engulfed by DCs, and the expression of MHCII, CD86 and TNF-α of DCs was unchanged by CNT. The mixture of CNT/O-3 treated DCs induced increased CD8+ T cell proliferation. The proliferation ratio of CD8+ T cells increased from 28.7% of control to 40.6%, 41.3% and 29.6%. Th2 cytokines expression of IL-4, IL-10 and IL-13 was significantly inhibited. The proliferation ratio of CD4+ T cells were decreased from 54.5% of control to 38.9%, 46.6%, and 39.8%. All the results indicated that CNT did not influence the maturation of DCs but promote Th1 polarization of T cells by inhibiting the Th2 cytokines expression of allergic peptide antigen.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 464-469 [Abstract] ( 437 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (970 KB)  ( 574 )
470 A Review of Fingerprint Recognition Technology
Gu Chenlei, Liu Yuhang, Nie Zedong, Li Jingzhen, Wang Lei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.012
Biometric verification has been drawing widespread attention in information security. Fingerprint recognition has been improved by the rapid development of computer graphics technology in the past years. In this paper, the review of fingerprint recognition technology in recent 20 years was conducted, the key technologies of fingerprint recognition, such as fingerprint image acquisition, image enhancement, feature extraction and matching, and data storage were introduced and summarized, the advantages and disadvantages of aforementioned technologies were concluded.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 470-482 [Abstract] ( 1365 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1340 KB)  ( 2153 )
483 Recent Advances of Nanoprecipitation and its Applications in Nano-drug Carriers
Li Yan, Luo Cheng, Zhou Jie
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.013
Nanomaterials have shown their great potentials of wide applications in biomedical fields. Nanoprecipitation is a facile and straight approach to fabricate various nanomaterials through the supersaturation of solutes when mixing with nonsolvent. Recently a great progress has been made in the fabrication technologies, especially the Flash nanoprecipitation and microfluidic nanoprecipitation, which has greatly improved the reaction efficiency and controllability, paving the way for large-scale preparation of nanoparticles with high quality. Up to date, nanoprecipitation has been utilized to fabricate various nanoparticles and drug carriers (curcumin, paclitaxel, doxorubicin, camptothecin, cisplatin, penicillin, etc.). The research progresses in nanoprecipitation are summed up in this review.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 483-489 [Abstract] ( 1318 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (835 KB)  ( 2932 )
490 Advances in Polymeric Biomaterial Scaffolds for Islet Transplantation
Liao Shibo, Huang Shuyu, Xi Tingfei, Wu Min, Zou Yi, Li Ling, Zhu Zhao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.014
The liver may not be an optimal environment for islet transplantation. Problems associated with the hepatic transplantation of islets may preclude the broad application of islet transplantation. Many parts of the body have been tested as alternatives for the intrahepatic transplantation sites. Up to now, none of these sites provided ideal environments for pancreatic islets. Therefore, creating a extrahepatic transplantation site for islets through exploiting biological engineered material scaffolds become a preferred option. In this paper, the research progress on polymeric biomaterial scaffolds for islet transplantation in the last three years were reviewed, including natural polymer scaffolds, synthetic polymer scaffolds, synthetic-natural composite scaffolds, whole organ decellularized scaffolds and three-dimensional bioprinting scaffolds. The prospects was proposed and discussed as well.
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 490-496 [Abstract] ( 528 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (833 KB)  ( 726 )
497 Non - Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring System Based on Android Platform
You Ling, Zheng Ruijie, Ji Zhong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.015
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 497-501 [Abstract] ( 622 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (877 KB)  ( 1075 )
502 Study on Desynchronization of Coupled Neurons with Transcranial Magneto-acoustical Stimulation
Yuan Yi,Sun Hongbao,Chen Yudong, Pang Na, Li Xiaoli
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.016
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 502-506 [Abstract] ( 437 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (930 KB)  ( 521 )
507 Hemodynamic Effects of Uyghur Sand Therapy on the Femoral Artery Based on the Fluid-Solid Interaction Method
Yiming Burebi,Fu Rongchang,Xieeryazidan· Adayi,Mahemuti Dilinaer
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.04.017
2017 Vol. 36 (4): 507-511 [Abstract] ( 506 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (989 KB)  ( 563 )
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