摘要源自中枢神经系统活动的脑电信号具有不易伪装性而被广泛应用于情感识别领域,但非稳态及微弱等特性导致其存在个体差异性。为适应不同被试之间的数据分布差异,迁移学习被引入脑电情感识别领域。但现有方法一方面未实现域适应与标记估计的有效协同,另一方面仅关注识别精度与数据分布忽略了共享子空间的属性发掘。针对上述问题,本研究提出一种联合双映射域适应与图半监督标签估计的脑电情感状态识别方法。通过在SEED-IV情感数据集进行跨被试情感识别效果验证。该数据集为15名受试者在3个不同时段(Session1, Session2, Session3)播放具有明显情感倾向的影片进行脑电数据采集。结果显示,所提出的方法对SEED-IV中3个时段数据的平均识别精度(77.7%、78.5%、79.6%)均优于现有多种迁移模型,较经典的联合域适应(JDA)方法的平均识别精度有大幅提升(Session2:53.7% vs 78.5%);较新近提出的模型也有最低8.9% (Session2 vs MEKT)的精度提升。此外,通过特征重要性的角度对共享子空间蕴含的脑电情感激活模式进行发掘,并结合频段权重平均结果显示,相较于其他4个频段γ频段具有较高的重要性,并通过单向方差分析验证了与其余4个频段的显著性差异(P<0.05);脑地形图呈现的结果发现,(中央)顶叶脑区权重高于其他脑区。所进行的研究对于脑电情感激活模式的学习分析提供了参考。
Abstract:Electroencephalogram (EEG) has been widely used for objective emotion recognition because it is generated from the neural activities of central nervous system and is hard to camouflage. An obvious limitation is that the weak and non-stationary properties of EEG can cause the individual differences in emotion recognition. To this end, transfer learning models have been introduced to deal with this dilemma. However, the existing models are not able to couple the feature adaptation process with the target label estimation process, and on the other hand, they focused only on the recognition accuracy and have no sufficient investigation to the learned shared subspace. To solve these problems, this paper proposed a joint bi-projection domain adaptation and graph-based semi-supervised label estimation model for EEG emotion recognition (termed RAGE). We evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed RAGE model on the benchmark SEED-IV emotional data set, the data set was collected by playing films with obvious emotional tendencies for 15 subjects at three different Sessions. Results showed that the average recognition accuracies of the three sessions (77.7%、78.5%、79.6%) were much better than many of the existing transfer learning models. Specifically, compared with the classical joint domain adaptation (JDA) method, the average recognition accuracy has been greatly improved (Session2: 53.7% vs. 78.5%). In comparison with the four recently proposed models, RAGE obtained a minimum accuracy improvement of 8.90% (Session2 vs MEKT, manifold embedded knowledge transfer). By investigating the learned common subspace from the feature importance perspective, we achieved more insights to the occurrence of affective effects. That is, the average result showed that the importance of γ was greater than the other four bands, and the significant differences with the other four frequency bands were verified by one-way ANOVA (P<0.05); the brain topographic map showed that the (central) parietal lobe brain region had a higher weight than the other brain regions. Simultaneously, a study was conducted on single class emotional EEG activation patterns using label specific feature learning algorithms. In summary, this research provided a reference for the study and analysis of EEG emotion activation mode.
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