Abstract:Nowadays, semi-supervised deep learning model has been successfully applied in epileptic seizure forecasting based on electroencephalogram (EEG), however, there is still room for improvement in EEG preprocessing method and stability of semi-supervised model. This paper proposed an improved solution which combined continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and Wasserstein generative adversarial network based gradient penalty (WGAN-GP). Firstly, CWT was performed on unlabeled EEG to acquire spectrograms, and WGAN-GP was trained using the EEG dataset of specific patients to get a high-performance feature extractor. Then the trained discriminator of WGAN-GP was used as a feature extractor and two fully connected layers were used as classifier. A small amount of spectrogram of CWT of labeled EEG were used to complete the training of classifier model. Finally, the discriminator of WGAN-GP and the fully-connected network constituted a semi-supervised deep learning prediction model, carrying out epileptic seizure forecasting. The proposed semi-supervised patient-specific seizure forecasting method was evaluated by CHB-MIT scalp EEG dataset and compare the performance with present semi-supervised method. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and AUC of the proposed method reached 82.69%, 67.48%, 82.08% and 84.03%, respectively, improving the original performance by 14.48%, 34.45%, 7.87% and 11.4%. Compared to the present semi-supervised method, the difference of the prediction performance of CWT-WGAN-GP and current methods is showing significance (P<0.05). The result showed that the combination of CWT and WGAN-GP effectively improved the prediction performance of semi-supervised deep learning model, and played an optimized role of unsupervised feature extraction in the epileptic seizure prediction.
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