Object Detection of Pneumonia Images Based on Deep Learning
He Di1, Liu Lixin1,2#*, Liu Yujie1, Xiong Feng1, Qi Meijie1, Zhang Zhoufeng2*
1(School of Optoelectronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi′an 710071, China) 2(CAS Key Laboratory of Spectral Imaging Technology, Xi′an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi′an 710119, China)
Abstract:Pneumonia is a disease that seriously endangers people′s health. Lung X-rays are usually used for pneumonia examination. The diagnosis of pneumonia is a very important step before the treatment of pneumonia. However, due to the interference of other lung diseases, the explosion of medical data, and the lack of professional pathologists, it is very difficult to accurately diagnose pneumonia. Deep learning can imitate the mechanism of the human brain to interpret medical image datasets with improved accuracy and efficiency, therefore, has been widely used in pneumonia image detection. In this paper, three deep learning-based object detection models, SSD, faster-RCNN and faster-RCNN optimization model, were used to study 26 684 labeled lung X-ray images from the Kaggle dataset. The original X-ray images were preprocessed and then input into the three deep learning models to detect single or two lesion areas. The performance of the three models was evaluated and compared through loss function, classification accuracy, regression accuracy and number of mis-detected lesions by testing 500 randomly selected images. The results showed that faster-RCNN performed better than SSD in performance metrics; Faster-RCNN optimization model was superior to the other two models with the loss value that was small and could quickly reach stability, the average classification accuracy of 93.7%, the average regression accuracy of 79.8% and the number of mis-detected lesions of 0, which would be helpful for the accurate identification and diagnosis of pneumonia.
作者简介: #中国生物医学工程学会会员(Member, Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering)
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He Di, Liu Lixin, Liu Yujie, Xiong Feng, Qi Meijie, Zhang Zhoufeng. Object Detection of Pneumonia Images Based on Deep Learning. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 41(4): 443-451.
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