Remodeling Models and Numerical Simulation of Bone Functional Adaptation
1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2 China Astronaut Training and Research Center,Beijing100094, China
Abstract:Functional adaptation of bone occurs due to the influence and regulation of mechanical factors. Establishment of numerical model and quantitative analysis for bone remodeling process has significant clinical value. Nowadays, models developed in the literature to simulate the functional adaptation of bone fall into two classes: mechanical models and physiological models. This paper reviews bone remodeling models from several aspects, including theories, algorithms and applications. Mechanical models are able to predict bone remodeling through direct relationships between mechanical stimulus and bone structures, but no actual biological processes are considered. According to different remodeling stimuli, mechanical models mainly include mechanostat models and maintenance models. Physiological models try to unravel the role of the mechanical environment in the biological mechanisms involved in bone remodeling. Different types of cells are involved in bone remodeling process: osteoclasts, which resorb bone, and osteoblasts, which deposit bone. Based on different hypotheses, these cells are thought to work separately or as basic multicellular units. Remodeling models are normally implemented in finite element programs to enable numerical solution of problems related to bone remodeling. Based on several application examples, parametric investigation of remodeling equations is discussed as well
雷周激欣1 王冬梅1*王春慧 2 LEI ZhouJiXin1 WANG DongMei1* WANG ChunHui2 CHEN ShanGuang2 . Remodeling Models and Numerical Simulation of Bone Functional Adaptation. journal1, 2014, 33(2): 227-232.
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