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2013 Vol. 32, No. 3
Published: 20 June 2015

257 Study on Wrists MultiMovement Pattern Recognition Based on sEMG
ZHANG Qi Zhong XI Xu Gang  MA Yu Liang  LUO Zhi Zeng  SHE Qing Shan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.01
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 257-265 [Abstract] ( 340 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (868 KB)  ( 901 )
266 A Bioelectricity Impedance Measurement System Research Based on FPGA
SUN Xiao Tong   HAO Hui Ling   SHA Hong*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.02
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 266-272 [Abstract] ( 323 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (776 KB)  ( 820 )
273 A Comparative Study on ThreeDimensional Movement of Incisors when Applying MDD and TipEdge Appliances during Alignment and Leveling Stage
SHEN Yue Teng1   HE Ping2   SONG Jin Lin1*  WU Peng3    DENG Feng1&nb
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.03
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 273-278 [Abstract] ( 202 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (867 KB)  ( 415 )
279 Epileptic Seizure Detection Method Using MultiFeatures of Intracranial EEG
CHEN Shuang Shuang  ZHOU Wei Dong YUAN Qi  YUAN Sha Sha  LI Xue Li
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.04
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 279-283 [Abstract] ( 252 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (385 KB)  ( 891 )
284 An Algorithm of Medical Image Fusion Based on Shearlet Transformation
ADU Jian Hua*WANG Bang Ping  WANG Ke  WANG Yan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.05
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 284-291 [Abstract] ( 428 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (788 KB)  ( 784 )
292 Research about the Tuning Characteristics of Response Based on the Intrinsic Mode Functions of Local Field Potential
WAN Hong*ZHANG Xiao Na  LIU Xin Yu  LI Xiao Yan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.06
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 292-298 [Abstract] ( 329 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (971 KB)  ( 455 )
299 Algorithm of Crackle Detection Based on TwoDimensional Texture Features by Fractional Hilbert Transform
LI Zhen Zhen    WU Xiao Ming*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.07
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 299-304 [Abstract] ( 326 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (745 KB)  ( 439 )
305 Automated Detection of Bright Lesions of Diabetic Retinopathy Based on Improved and Fast FCM and SVM
GAO Wei WeiSHEN Jian Xin1*  WANG Yu Liang1    LIANG ChunZUO Jing2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.08
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 305-312 [Abstract] ( 519 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (609 KB)  ( 687 )
313 Emotional Stress Assessment by Combining Characters of Complexity and Entropy
LI Xin12*LI Hong Hong12LI Chang Wu3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.09
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 313-320 [Abstract] ( 463 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (973 KB)  ( 524 )
321 A Hemodynamic Model for Simulation of Cerebral Blood Flow and  Ventricular Power Changes in Stroke
XU You Wei*DING Guang Hong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.010
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 321-330 [Abstract] ( 264 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1524 KB)  ( 538 )
331 EEG Power and SpaceSpecific Analysis on Target Detection of Vision, Audition and Somatosensory
WANG Wu YiXU Min Peng1LI Yue Zhi2ZHANG Yu JingQI Hong Zhi1WAN Bai KunXIE Xiao Bo3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.011
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 331-338 [Abstract] ( 427 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (969 KB)  ( 877 )
339 Real Time Ultrasound Elastography Based on Phase Shift
SUN Rui Chao1    TANG Ya Nan1   XIE Lin Pei1   HE Dan Ni1     LU Min Hua1,2,3*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.012
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 339-347 [Abstract] ( 295 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1023 KB)  ( 672 )
348 Research of HeparinConjugating Phenylalanine Blood Purification Material to Remove Endotoxin
JIN Xin XinWANG Xiang1*  MAO Jin ChunTANG Fu ZhouXIONG Yan Lian1
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.013
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 348-355 [Abstract] ( 314 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (879 KB)  ( 494 )
356 Fusion of Multi-Modality Medical Imaging Information for Clinical Decision in Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment
QI Shou Liang1    YUE Yong2     XIN Jun2     KANG Yan1*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.014
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 356-362 [Abstract] ( 531 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (640 KB)  ( 1199 )
363 Artificial Pancreas: StateoftheArt, Challenges and Outlook
WANG You Qing*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.015
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 363-372 [Abstract] ( 538 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (791 KB)  ( 1336 )
373 The Repair of Skull Defect Applying Rapid Prototyping Based on Level Set
ZHANG Ran   ZHANG Zi Qun   SONG Zhi Jian*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.016
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 373-377 [Abstract] ( 288 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (648 KB)  ( 643 )
378 Comparative Study of Traffic Accident Proneness for Drunk Driving via Blood Alcohol Concentration and EEG
ZHONG Ming En1*WU Ping Dong2   PENG Jun Qiang3      HONG Han Chi1
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.03.017
2013 Vol. 32 (3): 378-383 [Abstract] ( 174 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (701 KB)  ( 604 )
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