高玉洁1 , 张兵1 , 钱琴琴2 , 高建芸2 , 吕晓迎1* , 王志功3*
1 东南大学生物电子学国家重点实验室,南京 2100962 东南大学附属中大医院针灸科,南京 2100093 东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所,南京 210096
Experimental Research of Finger Flexion Control Basedon Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) with Small-Area Surface Electrodes on Acupoints
Gao Yujie1 , Zhang Bing1 , Qian Qinqin2 , Gao Jianyun2 , Lv Xiaoying1* , Wang Zhigong3*
1 State Key Laboratory of Bioelectronics, Southeast University 210096 Nanjing, China2 Department of Acupuncture-Moxibustion, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, 210009 Nanjing, China3 Institute of RF-& OE-ICs, Southeast University, 210096 Nanjing, China
摘要 为肢体瘫痪这一重大残障疾病的康复治疗探索一种生物医学工程技术。根据首次提出的针灸结合肌电桥治疗中风偏瘫的新思路,采用小面积体表电极,选取10名健康志愿者(5男5女),通过对每位志愿者上肢216组穴位组合进行功能电刺激,确定控制五指屈动作的最佳刺激穴位组合。实验发现,5对实现五指屈曲的最佳穴位组合,其电流阈值均小于10 mA,指屈动作完成率为100%,舒适率在90%以上,其他指屈无反应率在80%以上。相对于传统在肌肉上进行功能电刺激控制五指指屈的方法,对穴位进行功能电刺激,刺激电流小,动作纯净度更高,刺激位点定位更容易,为进一步开展偏瘫患者以自身健康五指动作带动瘫侧五指动作的临床试验打下基础。
关键词 :
体表电极 ,
经络穴位 ,
微电子肌电桥 ,
功能电刺激 ,
Abstract :The aim of this research is to explore a biomedical engineering technique which can rebuild the flexion function of the five fingers of the paralyzed upper limb. Based on the patented concept of electromyographic bridge (EMGB) and combined the Chinese traditional medical skill of acupuncture, this study selects 10 volunteers (five men and five women)and uses small area surface electrodes on upper limb 216 pairs of acupoints of each healthy volunteer for functional electrical stimulation (FES) on skin surface to test the best stimulation sites of five fingers’ flexion. The five pairs of acupoints found for five finger flexion in the experiment. The current threshold is less than 10mA, the success rate of finger flexion is 100%, the purity rate of single finger flexion is over 80%, and the rate of comfort degree is over 90%.Compared with traditional FES, this way needs less current, has higher purity of five finger flexion and has a standard location rule which lays a foundation for clinical trials of patients’ healthy fingers driving paralytic fingers to flex.
Key words :
surface electrode
acupuncture and acupoints
electromyographic bridge(EMGB)
functional electrical stimulation(FES)
paralysis rehabilitation
收稿日期: 2016-04-15
基金资助: 江苏省2013年科技支撑计划(社会发展)(BE2013706)
高玉洁, 张兵, 钱琴琴, 高建芸, 吕晓迎, 王志功. 应用小面积体表电极对穴位进行功能电刺激实现五指屈曲的实验研究[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2017, 36(5): 596-601.
Gao Yujie, Zhang Bing, Qian Qinqin, Gao Jianyun, Lv Xiaoying, Wang Zhigong. Experimental Research of Finger Flexion Control Basedon Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) with Small-Area Surface Electrodes on Acupoints. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 36(5): 596-601.
http://cjbme.csbme.org/CN/10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2017.05.012 或 http://cjbme.csbme.org/CN/Y2017/V36/I5/596
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