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  2025年1月11日 星期六  
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西南交通大学材料先进技术教育部重点实验室 摩擦学研究所, 成都 610031
Finite Element Analysis on  Effect of Power of Electrosurgical Unit on  Lesions of Muscular Tissue
Tribology Research Institute, Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031,China
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摘要 高频电刀作为一种取代机械手术刀进行组织切割的电外科能量器械,已经在临床上广泛应用。基于Pennes热力学方程,采用ANSYS Workbench,建立离体肌肉组织在电切模式下的热力学损伤模型。在此基础上,研究不同电刀功率下肌肉组织的损伤情况,分析电刀功率对肌肉组织损伤的影响。结果表明,随着高频电刀功率增大,组织损伤区域和损伤程度呈现非线性变化;随着电刀功率从20 W逐渐增大到60 W,组织损伤区域仅发生局部变化,无显著性增大,组织最高温度从214 .4℃逐渐升高到301.7℃;当功率从60 W增大到70 W时,组织损伤区域显著增大,组织最高温度从301.7℃迅速升高到436.6℃,损伤显著加剧。此外,在相同功率下,组织损伤程度随着组织与电极中心的距离减小而增大,其中沿着和垂直于切割方向的组织温度分别在距离电极中心±1.8 mm和±1.2 mm处急剧升高。研究结果有助于揭示电切模式下电刀功率与组织损伤之间的关系,为医生在临床手术时的操作规范提供重要理论依据。
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茹磊磊 郑靖* 栗云龙 周仲荣
关键词 高频电刀电极组织损伤电刀功率有限元分析    
Abstract:As an electrosurgery energy device, electrosurgical unit has been widely used in clinical practice to cut tissues. In this paper, based on Pennes thermodynamic equation, a thermodynamics lesion model of in vitro porcine muscle tissue in cut mode was first established using ANSYS Workbench. And then the lesions of muscular tissue at different powers of electrosurgical unit were analyzed, aiming to reveal the effect of electrosurgical unit power on tissue lesions. Results showed that with the power of electrosurgical unit increasing, the area and extent of tissue lesion changed nonlinearly. As the power was gradually increased from 20 W to 60 W, only local variation instead of significant increase occurred to lesion area. And the highest temperature in tissues increased from 214 .4℃ to 301.7℃. As the power was increased from 60 W to 70 W, the lesion area increased significantly, and the highest temperature in tissues increased rapidly from 301.7℃ to 436.6℃. Obviously, the extent of tissue lesion aggravated remarkably. In addition, with the gap between the tissue and electrode decreasing, the extent of tissue lesion was aggravated. The temperature in tissues increased sharply about ±1.8 mm away from the center of electrode along the cutting direction, while the temperature increased sharply about ±1.2 mm away from the center of electrode perpendicular to the cutting direction. The results would help to reveal the relationship between the power of electrosurgical unit and tissue lesions in cut mode, and then provide valuable insights into the clinical application of electrosurgical unit.
Key wordselectrosurgical unit    electrode    tissue lesion    power    finite element analysis
茹磊磊 郑靖* 栗云龙 周仲荣. 电刀功率对肌肉组织损伤影响的有限元分析[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2016, 35(2): 169-176.
Ru Leilei  Zheng Jing*Li Yunlong  Zhou Zhongrong. Finite Element Analysis on  Effect of Power of Electrosurgical Unit on  Lesions of Muscular Tissue. journal1, 2016, 35(2): 169-176.
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