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2013 Vol. 32, No. 2
Published: 2013-04-20

129 Influence of Protein Databases in Proteomic Identification
SHAO Chen   SUN Wei*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.001
Database searching is a common strategy to identify proteins in current proteomic studies. In this strategy, searching against a highly comprehensive database might produce more protein identifications, but have the risk of incorrect database annotations. In contrast, using a more accurate database might loss some correct protein identifications that are not included in the database due to less database completeness. Achieving both completeness and accuracy in protein identification is an important problem. Taking human proteomic study as an example, this study compared database searching results of three commonly used protein databases (IPI database, UniProt database and Swiss-Prot database) on three proteomic datasets that were obtained from different biological samples and mass spectrometers. In general, although these databases performed differently on various proteomic data, the differences among them were not significant. For each database, no more than 5% of the total peptide identifications were not identified by the other two databases, while the differences of protein identifications ranged from 1% to 5%. This result indicates that all of the databases are with high completeness by covering most of the commonly identified proteins in human samples. Therefore, we recommend using Swiss-Prot database, a manually curated and continuously updated database, for routine human proteomic analysis. In addition, if the aim of a study to identify or quantify some special sequences that are not included in SwissProt database, such as protein isoforms or mutations, researchers can add the target protein sequences to Swiss-Prot database, or use a more complete database instead
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 129-134 [Abstract] ( 249 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (416 KB)  ( 728 )
135 Diffusion Weighted MRI Rician Noise Restoration Using Modified Wiener Filtering
WU Xi1,2,* HE Jin1 WANG Yu1 XIE Ming Yuan1 ZHOU Ji Liu 2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.002
According to Rician noise distribution from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance image and the bias from the traditional Wiener filter which is designed for Gaussian model, this paper encapsulated multi diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images from nearby directions for Wiener filtering. In the procedure, Wiener filter was modified for Rician noise model, and the parameters of filter were estimated through anisotropic area for further improvement of restoration. The simulation and experiment of both synthetic and in vivo diffusion weighted magnetic resonance image data demonstrated that the proposed method can effectively remove the noise in the diffusion weighted magnetic resonance image, and improve the quality and orientation information of diffusion tensor MRI. In 10% Rician noise condition, peak signal noise ratio of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance image was increased 10 dB, and mean angular variation of diffusion tensor MRI decreased 5 degree, which ensures better accuracy and robustness of the further applications.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 135-140 [Abstract] ( 382 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1185 KB)  ( 533 )
141 Identifying E.coli Gene Regulatory Network Based on HilbertSchmidt Independence Criterion
FAN ShuangXi **HAN Bin**LI Li Hua*ZHU Lei   JIN Li Yan    LI YanE  WANG Sheng    YING NanJiao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.03
The key of genetic system modeling is to identify the causal relationships of the genes. In the third Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments and Methods(DREAM3)competition, E.coli dataset was generated with a ‘true’ biological gene networks. The aim of this work is to recover gene network structure from the data. Here we presented a statistical independent measurement method based on reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) - HilbertSchmidt independence criteria (HSIC). Different from others, which either use the classification rate, or parameterized methods,the proposed measurement is a nonparametric direct measurement with independence. Comparative experiment results showed that the method was efficient in recovering the regulatory relationships between genes even with small data sample. Specifically, the HSIC achieved a better result than the classical Granger Causality (GC) method as well as the  differential equations based method, which was the best in DREAM3 contest. The AUROC values obtained by HSIC is 23 percent higher than GC method, and 3.9 percent higher than the best performer of this contest. In addition, the computational efficiency of HSIC method was 3 orders higher than  differential equations based method.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 141-148 [Abstract] ( 369 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (616 KB)  ( 926 )
149 Automatic Detection of Muscle Thickness from Ultrasound Images: A Novel Approach Based on Optical Flow
LI Qiao Liang    REN Pan Pan  ZHANG Hui Sheng*    QI Su Wen  RAO JieZHANG Xiao Fei  CHEN Xin  CHEN Si  Ping   WANG TianFu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.004
Ultrasound images can be used to study properties of human muscles noninvasively, with the advantages of real time and low cost. Manual measurement of muscle thickness from ultrasound images is subjective and timeconsuming. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to detect the muscle thickness automatically. Optical flow was adopted to track the superficial and deep fascias of a muscle, and the muscle thickness was geometrically obtained based on the location of the fascias. In the continuous motion conditions, dynamic ultrasound images of thighs of 10 healthy volunteers were tracking measurement. Experimental results showed that average of the absolute difference between the proposed method and manual method was (0.24±0.22) mm, the correlation coefficient was up to 0.93, and the detection speed for ultrasound frames was 10 frames per second in current implementation based on Matlab. The automated method provides an accurate and efficient approach for estimating fascicle thickness during human motion.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 149-153 [Abstract] ( 463 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (562 KB)  ( 663 )
154 An Optimization Algorithm of Automatic Diagnosis of Breast
LI Xin1,2*LI Hong Hong1,2LI Cong1,2LI Chang Wu3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.005
It is very important to make early diagnosis with breast tissue disease. The method based on Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy is effective for the clinical diagnosis. Advantages of the method include lowcost and nondamage. In this paper, we focused on the early automatic diagnosis of breast tissue disease based on two intelligent classifiers; BP network and support vector machine (SVM). The data of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy come from 64 subjects, including 106 breast tissue samples. Focus on the uncertain property of selecting characters of the classifiers, parameter optimization and selecting were conducted based on the Genetic Algorithm. Based on principle of the overall optimization and the survival of the fittest, selectioncrossovermutation was done to pursue the optical parameters. After the process, the accuracy of automatic diagnosis was improved from 61.9% and 51.9% to 76.2% and 68.0%. The method is expected to provide an effectual method for the clinical automatic diagnosis of breast tissue disease.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 154-160 [Abstract] ( 377 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1158 KB)  ( 595 )
161 Improved Temperature Measurement for Permanent MRI System by Using Hybrid PRF/T1 Method
WANG Lei1      LI Jing2ZHU JianFeng2ZHONG ZhiHui1CHEN WuFan1FENG YanQiu1*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.06
To investigate the feasibility of improving temperature measurement on the permanent MRI system using hybrid PRF/T1 method. The phantom consisting mainly of AGAR to simulate liver tissue was heated to 65℃ in water bath and naturally cooled to 36℃ inside a 0.3T permanent MRI scanner. During cooling process, the phantom was scanned by gradient echo sequences with flip angles of 40° and 75° with cooling step of 1℃. The collected data were separately processed with PRF, T1 and hybrid PRF/T1  methods to acquire the temperature measurement. The temperature values measured by an alcohol thermometer were utilized as the reference to evaluate the accuracy of the three MRI thermometry methods. The coefficient of variation of temperature values measured by three separate experiments was calculated to assess method repeatability. The experimental results showed that the temperature measurement errors of PRF and T1 methods were approximately ±6℃, while that of the hybrid PRF/T1 method was below ±3℃, the coefficient of variation was 3.12% for the PRF method, 7.53% for the T1 method, and 2.63% for the hybrid PRF/T1 method. For permanent MRI system, the hybrid PRF/T1 method is more accurate and reproducible than the PRF and T1 only methods, and offers a promising tool for temperature monitoring in tumor thermometry.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 161-168 [Abstract] ( 347 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (973 KB)  ( 467 )
169 Design and Optimization of Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation Applying Surface Array Electrode
XU Qi1*HU Neng Yu1 Zhou Hou Lun2Wang Yi Zhao3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.07

Surface array electrode (SAE) provides high performance, which improves the stimulation selectivity and controllability. The electrode design and stimulating waveform have a marked effect on the performance of functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS). For motor rehabilitation of hand, the simplified forearm model with different layers was established in this paper, and finite element method (FEM) was used to simulate the distribution of electric fields within the forearm while a SAE with all large contacts was separated by small ones outputs direct current signals to achieve cathodic stimulation. Moreover, the activation function (AF) indicates the effect of applied electric field on the activity of the nerve axon, and then the ratio of the maximum to the multiplication of halfwidths of AF for the deep axon in the forearm was used to evaluate the stimulation selectivity. In order to achieve a perfect performance, the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the design of SAE. Results show that the optimal performance is achieved for SAE when the sizes of large square contacts and small ones are 9.80 mm×9.80 mm and 10.72 mm×10.72 mm, respectirely, while the maximum of performance index for simulation selectivity is 11 252.68 V/m4. In addition, different stimulation waveforms are investigated based on the timevarying maximum of AF for the deep axon in the forearm. Compared with other stimulation waveforms, the biphasic chargebalanced rectangular pulse produced a slightly larger maximum of AF, i.e. 3.448 V/m2, which has a positive effect on the activation of axons. The FEM simulations provide foundation for the design of SAE and clinical application.

2013 Vol. 32 (2): 169-177 [Abstract] ( 484 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1362 KB)  ( 739 )
178 Experimental Study of Dielectric Properties on Human Lung Tissue
WANG Jie Ran1WANG Hua Xiang1*XU Xiao2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.08
This study is aim to investigate the differences of dielectric properties between lung cancer tissue and the normal tissue in vitro and establish the dielectric parameter frequency spectrum of human lung tissue which provide the basic theory and reference data for medical research and clinical diagnosis of lung cancer. Two main categories of tissues were considered as specimens: the central part of the tumor and the normal tissue around the tumor. After operation, specimens was put into test chamber in which the temperature and humidity were controlled at expected values. Then the measurement of specimens’ dielectric properties was performed at frequency from 100 Hz to 100 MHz using 4294A impedance analyzer of Agilent Company. Finally the two categories of tissues’ characteristic parameters were extracted by using the least square curve fitting method based on Cole-Cole model. The relative permittivity of lung cancer tissue was 3~5 times larger than that of the normal tissue. The conductivity of lung cancer tissue was 1.6~3.3 times larger than that of the normal tissue. Impedance spectroscopy of lung cancer tissue moved apparently to low impedance direction. Among the characteristic parameters (R0,R,α,τandfc), the difference of low frequency resistance (R0) between the two categories of tissues was statistically significant (P<0.05). The differences of dielectric properties and low frequency resistance between lung cancer tissue and the normal tissue are significant, which provide basic data for human lung tissue’s dielectric properties research and EIT measurement.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 178-183 [Abstract] ( 601 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (601 KB)  ( 1606 )
184 Brain Functional Network Influenced by Magnetic Stimulation at Acupoints
YIN Ning  XU Gui Zhi*YU HongLi  ZHOU Qian  GUO Lei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.09
Study on the changes of brain functional connections during acupoint magnetic stimulation based on the complex network theory. Using crosscorrelation and mutual information method, the channel relationships of EEG signals of seven subjects were analyzed before, during and after magnetic stimulation on acupoint and the corresponding brain functional networks were constructed. The centralization indices were calculated using complex network analysis method and then the key brain regions of each stimulation mode were obtained. The results showed that comparing with the functional network before stimulation, the relationships between the nodes of parietal lobe and central region were unified enhanced during 1 Hz stimulation, meanwhile, the relationships among the nodes of frontal lobe, occipital lobe and top occipital lobe were unified weakened. However, the unified enhanced area during 3 Hz stimulation concentrated among the nodes of frontal lobe, central region, parietal lobe and temporal lobe. Nodes with high degree were mainly distributed in the frontal lobe and the central, while the nodes with high betweenness centrality were mainly distributed in the parietal lobe, the central and top occipital area. This study helps to reveal the influence of acupoint magnetic stimulation on brain functional networks.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 184-190 [Abstract] ( 467 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1215 KB)  ( 851 )
191 Equalization of Superficial Ultrasonic Images
LI Jin Dong  ZHENG Zheng*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.010
Equalization algorithm can effectively reduce the correlation between ultrasonic image samples; improve the performance of despeckling methods. But acquiring equalization filter parameters based on in vivo images requires a large amount of calculation which is not conducive to realtime processing. Aiming at superficial ultrasonic images, this paper gives an effective equalization method that avoids lots of realtime calculation. Based on the ultrasonic RF imaging formation model, this paper analyzed the spectrum of ultrasonic phantom echo signals, filtered the spectral component of the tissue reflectivity function, obtained the pointspread function and constructed the equalization filter to analyze its effect for superficial images. With the  parameters acquired from the phantom the equalization filter   used for superficial ultrasonic images can reduce the correlation. Compared with direct despeckling methods, the speckle SNR of preprocessed de-speckling  methods  has been improved about 19.2%, the performance of de-speckling methods gets improved. For superficial ultrasonic images, parameters of equalization filter can be acquired through ultrasound phantom in advance,it can reduce the calculation of despeckling process and easy to realize realtime processing.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 191-196 [Abstract] ( 402 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (949 KB)  ( 591 )
197 An Improved Back-Projection Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Magnetic Field Lines for Magnetic Induction Tomography
DU Qiang     BAI BaoDong   LIN Xiao    Ke Li*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.011
Magnetic induction tomography is an imaging technology, which is to obtain the conductivity distribution by detecting the data on the boundary of the imaging area based on the eddy current principle. Back-projection algorithm is usually used for image reconstruction in the tomography imaging; however the positioning accuracy is decreased due to the nonlinear magnetic field distribution in the imaging area. In this paper, the relationship between magnetic field distribution and the phase difference in the detection coils has been studied, and a back-projection algorithm fit for the magnetic induction tomography was designed, which based on the theory that the phase difference can be described as the projection of the conductivity distribution along the magnetic field lines. The back-projection path was determined by the magnetic field lines in the imaging area, which solved the inaccuracy location problem. The reconstruction results showed that the minimum position error was 1 mm within the 200 mm imaging area, this value has been increased by 2-26 mm compared with the straight back-projection algorithm, and the visual quality also has greatly improved, which provided an effective reconstruction algorithm for the magnetic induction tomography.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 197-202 [Abstract] ( 383 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (949 KB)  ( 541 )
203 Research on Biomechanics Properties for BalloonExpandable Intracoronary Stents
WANG Xiao  FENG Hai QuanWANG Wen Wen  ZHANG Rui Min  CHENG Yan Long
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.012
In this paper we studied the mechanical properties of coronary stents with different connection bars, providing guidance for the design and development of the stent and interventional treatment. Solid Works was used to establish the three stent models with different connection bars which were called W-stent, S-stent, L-stent, crimp shell and balloon model. Hypermesh was used for meshing, ABAQUS was used to simulate their mechanical properties of radial recoil, axial shorting, expansion uniformity, radical bracing stiffness and the flexibility, at the same time verify the rationality of numerical simulation which present measure  methods of bracing stiffness and bending stiffness which were based on radical uniform load and “fourpoint bending” measure technology. Results show that the mechanical properties of the three intracoronary stents are within the safe range. By comparing these stents, the biomechanics properties of A-stent are better; the radical bracing stiffness of B-stent is 3.34 N/mm, it so easily leads to injure the vascular wall because of its higher bracing stiffness; the axial shorting of C-stent is 8.25 %, because its axial shorting is larger, it is not conductive to the stent to find the correct position in the vessel; bending stiffness of A-stent and B-stent are as follows: 17.74 N/rad and 18.00 N/rad, their flexibility are larger. It’s proved that the numerical simulation results agree with the in vitro test results.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 203-210 [Abstract] ( 527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1368 KB)  ( 1772 )
211 Research on ThreeDimension MultiCell Assembly Technique Based on Pneumatic Control
YANG Min XU Ming En* CHEN Jie Yi ZHAO Zhan Ying GE Ya Kun YAN Ming GUO Miao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.013
Threedimension controlled cellassembly technology provides new theory and technology for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Organs have complex threedimensional structures composed of different cells. The multicell assembly technique is one crucial tool to development of cellassembly technology. In this study, we developed a multicell assembly technique based on the pneumatic control. We designed and constructed pneumatic nozzle model by making use of compressed air as power and nonhorizontal arrangement method. Based on this system,we conducted a series of cell assembly experiments on three kinds of color matrix material and two kinds of living cells. Results demonstrated that the system can realize accurate switching and assembly among three nozzles. In the assembling process,jet of nozzle responds quickly at startstop, moreover, the startstop response delay is short than 5 ms and the forming precision is small than 30 μm, the positions of nozzle is accurate, nozzles were not interfere with others, and the system is easy to realize and convenient for multinozzle extend and control. Based on the system, the molding assembly of many kinds of important biological value structure of three kinds of materials, such as ladder structure, circular cavity structure and Polygonal structure can be completed. On the other hand, the assembly of two living cells can also be completed. The results of CD34 and Oil red O staining experiment showed that the growth of the assembly of cells is good within the structures, cellular localization accurate and cell trait keep good. This system is simple, flexible, reliable, easy to realize and convenient for multicell assembly, which can be used in fabricating complex tissue and organs.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 211-219 [Abstract] ( 370 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1370 KB)  ( 559 )
220 Mesenchymal Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Vessel
ZHAO Liang   LI Min*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.014
Mesenchymal stem cell has showed important application potentials in the field of regenerative medicine. The stem cells have low immunogenicity, good differentiation potential and proliferation ability, which make them become ideal seed cells in tissue engineering vessel. This paper  introduced research progress of applying mesenchymal stem cells to construct tissue engineering vessel, particularly describing separation purification and identification  methods  of mesenchymal stem cells. The paper also elaborated methods of constructing tissue engineering vessel with mesenchymal stem cells, and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 220-225 [Abstract] ( 383 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (535 KB)  ( 445 )
226 Microfluidic Technology for Cell Separation
BAO Xiao Fan   LIU RanLIU Jing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.015
In a number of studies in the field of medicine and biology, it has been an important issue faced and being researched by academia, to separate different kinds of cells effectively. If we can separate different types of cells effectively, it will bring great convenience and benefit to the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, as well as bring breakthrough to medicine and biology. At present, traditional cell separation and screening  methods can be divided into two categories: labeling method and nonlabeling method. With the development of microfluidics, microfluidic chip is becoming more and more widely used in the field of cell separation. This paper, starting from the research history and progress of microfluidics, combining with comparison of existing traditional cell separation methods and microfluidic technology, provided a review and introduction of microfluidics usage and development in the field of cell separation.
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 226-238 [Abstract] ( 654 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2450 KB)  ( 4040 )
239 Bursting Pressure Testing System for Hollow Organ of Laboratory Animals
JI Cheng Dong1*LI Zhen2 ZHENG Feng3 QIN HaiQing1XU Chang4
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.016
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 239-242 [Abstract] ( 330 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (384 KB)  ( 405 )
243 A Preliminary Study on Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Sample Entropy and Artificial Neural Network
MA LiDU Yi MingHUANG GuangWANG Yun1*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.017
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 243-247 [Abstract] ( 536 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (647 KB)  ( 920 )
248 System Integration of Infant Incubators’ Temperature Monitoring and Alarm Based on ZigBee Technology
SHEN Yun Ming  ZHENG Kun*  CHEN Long  WANG Lin  SHEN Yi Qi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.018
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 248-252 [Abstract] ( 306 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (618 KB)  ( 637 )
253 Research on Mobile Phone Dialing System Based on  Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential
ZHAO Li  SUN Yong*GUO Xu Hong  SONG Qi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2013.02.019
2013 Vol. 32 (2): 253-256 [Abstract] ( 418 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (479 KB)  ( 825 )
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