Retinal Lesion Segmentation with Retinopathy Guidance Deterministic Representation from Diffusion Models |
Xie Yingpeng, Qu Junlong, Xie Hai, Wang Tianfu*, Lei Baiying1* |
Guangdong Key Laboratory for Biomedical Measurements and Ultrasound Imaging,Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, Guangdong, China |
Abstract Acquiring a comprehensive segmentation map of retinal lesions is a crucial step in developing an automated, interpretable diagnostic tool for retinopathy. However, the inherent diversity and complexity of retinal lesions, coupled with the high cost of precise annotation, pose substantial challenges to traditional supervised learning approaches. Recent advances suggest that representation learning can mitigate the reliance on extensive annotated data by pre-training robust image representation models on large-scale unlabeled datasets. In this study, we introduced an innovative representation learning framework based on denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM), specifically tailored to capture the subtle and localized variations in medical imagery, thereby providing precise feature representations for the segmentation of retinal lesions. Utilizing unlabeled fundus images, our approach learnt the reverse process of Markov diffusion, establishing a foundation for extracting pixel-level representations. A retinal lesion grading classifier, informed by domain knowledge of retinopathy severity and lesion correlation, was implemented to guide the reverse diffusion process to enhance representations pertinent to lesions. The guided representations served as a repository of intrinsic semantic information, offering robust image representations for downstream retinal segmentation tasks. In experiments on multiple fundus image datasets, our method achieved average Dice coefficients of 0.872 for optic cup and 0.877 for optic disc segmentation with only 50 samples. For diabetic retinopathy lesions, it reached a Dice coefficient of 0.664, and for age-related macular degeneration lesions, 0.513, demonstrating diffusion-based representation’s generality and effectiveness across various complex retinal conditions.
Received: 03 January 2024
Corresponding Authors:
*E-mail: tfwang@szu.edu.cn;leiby@szu.edu.cn
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