Study on Extraction Method of Reduced-Dimensionality Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition for Cardiopulmonary Signals Based on Electrical Impedance Tomography Technology |
Li Kun1,2, Li Weichen3, Guo Yitong2,4, Wang Weice2, Wang Yu1, Yan Xiaoheng1, Shi Xuetao2#* |
1(Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering,Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105,Liaoning, China) 2(Department of Biomedical Engineering,Air Force Medical University,Xi'an 710032,China) 3(School of Life Sciences,Northwestern University,Xi'an 710127,China) 4(Department of Ultrasound Diagnosis, Tangdu Hospital, Air Force Medical University, Xi'an 710038, China) |
Abstract Real-time acquisition of cardiac ejection and pulmonary ventilation activity information is of great clinical significance. To separate both cardiac ejection and pulmonary ventilation activity signals simultaneously from chest electrical impedance tomography (EIT) data, this study proposed a novel signal extraction method named reduced-dimensionality ensemble empirical mode decomposition (RDEEMD) method. A total of 9 volunteers were recruited for EIT chest data collection. Firstly, this method classified the measurement channels based on the strength of the cardiac activity signal of the chest EIT data under breath holding state. Subsequently, the ensemble empirical mode decomposition method was used to decompose the EIT data under autonomous breathing state, and the decomposed components were categorized based on spectral characteristics to obtain the lung ventilation EIT signal. Combined with the band-pass filtering method and based on the aforementioned channel classification, the heart activity EIT signal was obtained by reduced-dimensionality of the heart activity signal. Finally, the EIT image sequences of the ventilation phase and cardiac phase were reconstructed. The results showed that the highest power spectral peak for lung ventilation (52.71 ± 1.39) dB in the lung area of the ventilation phase image can be obtained through RDEEMD, the highest power spectral peak for cardiac activity (43.05 ± 3.26) dB in the heart area of the cardiac phase image can be obtained through RDEEMD, indicating a fine reservation of ventilation and cardiac activity information. Meanwhile, the power spectral peak related to cardiac activity in the heart area of the ventilation phase image obtained by RDEEMD (10.02 ± 2.65) dB is the lowest among these methods, indicating that the effect of cardiac activity was well inhibited, compared to the reference method, there were significant differences (P<0.05). These results showed that the method RDEEMD could effectively separate signals related to lung ventilation and heart activity, preserving respective activity information and suppressing the influence of the heart in lung imaging. Finally, it can effectively suppress interference signal and lay the foundation for providing more accurate treatment strategy guidance in clinical practice.
Received: 20 October 2023
Corresponding Authors:
*E-mail: shixuetao@fmmu.edu.cn
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