Cross-Subject Epileptic Seizure Detection Method Based on Discriminative Manifold Regularizationand Domain Distribution Adaptation |
Zhang Yanli1*, Qiu Wenlong1, Zhou Weidong2 |
1(School of Information and Electronic Engineering, Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai 264005, Shandong, China) 2(School of Integrated Circuits, Shandong University, Jinan 250101, China) |
Abstract Automatic detection of seizure is of great significance for epilepsy diagnosis, monitoring, and intervention treatment. Aiming to address the problems that ictal electroencephalogram (EEG) is limited and data distributions among different patients are significantly different, a cross-subject seizure detection method was proposed based on discriminative manifold regularization and domain distribution adaptation in this work. First, the EEG of patients to be tested andthelabeled EEG of other patients were used as target and source domain data, respectively, and the EEG features such as the mean, variance and sample entropy of the wavelet packet decomposition coefficients were extracted. Then, a manifold regularization containing category information of source samples and an intra-class distance minimization constraint were introduced into domain distribution adaptation. Meanwhile, the relative deviation between conditional distribution distance and marginal distribution distance was adopted to dynamically adjust the distribution weight. Finally, pattern classification and seizure detection of target data were realized using the random forest classifier trained by source domain samples after space projection. The detection performance of the proposed method was validated using scalp EEG data from 24 patients in the CHB-MIT database and compared with existing domain adaptation algorithms. The average detection sensitivity and accuracy achieved by the proposed method were 94.94% and 95.66%, respectively, which were 15.07% and 9.98% higher than the CORAL algorithm using second-order statistic alignment, and 3.90% and 2.52% higher than the BDA algorithm that only performs balanced distribution adaptation. In conclusion, the combination of discriminative manifold regularization and domain distribution adaptation reduced the distribution differences between EEG signals from different patients and effectively utilized the discriminative information in the manifold structure and labels of the source domain data, providing a new idea for the research of cross-subject epileptic seizure detection.
Received: 30 July 2023
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