Abstract:Muscle strength is an important parameter reflecting the state of muscles, which can characterize human body's motor function, muscle health and fatigue level. Non-invasive muscle strength assessment technology has significance and wide application value in many fields, such as sports guidance, muscle disease diagnosis, and rehabilitation status evaluation. In this paper, we proposed a muscle strength assessment method based on feature fusion analysis of surface electromyography (sEMG) and ultrasound radiofrequency (RF) signals by deep learning algorithms, which utilized convolutional neural network (CNN) and pooling operations to extract the effective features (CNNFeat) of the signals and serve as inputs to a support vector machine (SVM) classifier for processing and classification. The method explored the ability of CNNFeat to recognize signal features using CNN-SVM network to verify the complementary nature of sEMG and ultrasound RF signal fusion. The sEMG and ultrasound RF signals of the biceps brachii muscle of 10 healthy subjects were collected under different loads, and the processing results in the multi-user scenario mode showed that CNNFeat was able to improve the classification performance with strong robustness compared to the features of conventional EMG and ultrasound RF signals. The accuracy was 84.23% for EMG signals and 89.34% for ultrasound signals, while the accuracy of the fused signals was as high as 96%, and the fused signals have less oscillations and faster loss convergence.
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