The Similarity Evaluation Method of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Based on ImprovedPatchMatch Algorithm
Tian Hao1,2, Lu Heng3, Pan Ning1,2*, Hu Huaifei1,2, Liu Haihua1,2
1(College of Biomedical Engineering, South-Central Minzu University, Wuhan 430074, China) 2(Hubei Key Laboratory of Medical Information Analysis and Tumor Diagnosis & Treatment, Wuhan 430074, China) 3(Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Jinling Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210002, China)
Abstract:The examination of every single wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) produces a large quantity of image sequence data (i.e., 50 000~80 000 images), which creates big challenges in clinical practice and can lead to the difficulties in medical diagnosis. It is, therefore, of great significance to advance methods to quantify the abstract-level visual similarity between the WCE images and screen out redundant images in the WCE sequence, so that both the efficiency and the effectiveness of image diagnosis can be improved. In the current study, we proposed a PatchMatch algorithm based on the spatial constraint scheme to capture and evaluate the similarity between the WCE images. This novel method improved the conventional PatchMatch procedure through the achievement of matching the local image patches based on the spatial constraint measures, adding the offset position constraint, restricting the initial matching region, and providing different matching search regions for the image patch to be coordinated. Next, the image-level ensemble descriptor was built by combining the position and texture attribute information of matched image patches. Finally, the similarity of two WCE images was evaluated by a joint probability between ensemble descriptors. A recurring screening experiments of 10 cases of WCE image sequences consisting of more than 5000 WCE imageries were conducted by employing different descriptor operators (such as: SIFT and Hog). The results showed that the precision, recall and F-measure of experiments were 93.73 %, 95.44 % and 94.77 % respectively, indicating the proposed algorithm is effective in analyzing the similarity between the WCE images.
田昊, 陆恒, 潘宁, 胡怀飞, 刘海华. 基于改进PatchMatch算法的胶囊内镜图像相似度评估方法[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2022, 41(6): 680-690.
Tian Hao, Lu Heng, Pan Ning, Hu Huaifei, Liu Haihua. The Similarity Evaluation Method of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images Based on ImprovedPatchMatch Algorithm. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 41(6): 680-690.
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