Different Stimulation Effects between Monophasic Pulses and Biphasic Pulses in Deep Brain Stimulation
College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Science, Key Lab for Biomedical Engineering of Education Ministry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Abstract:Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been developed for treating brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy. Narrow pulses are the most commonly used stimulation waveforms of DBS. However, the differences between the stimulation effects of monophasic pulses and biphasic pulses are not clear yet. To investigate the different stimulation effects on deep brain tissue by different pulse waveforms, monophasic and biphasic pulses with different polarity and different patterns (single or train) were respectively applied in the afferent fibers and the efferent fibers of the hippocampus CA1 region in anaesthetized rats. Responses of single neurons and neuronal populations in the CA1 region were examined to quantitatively analyze the effect of different stimulation waveforms. Results of total 18 animal experiments were shown as following: 1) For single pulses stimulation with low intensity on the afferent fibers to evoke unit spikes orthodromically in the CA1 region, the evoked ratios of excitatoryphasefirst biphasic and excitatoryphase monophasic were
69.2%±10.4% and 65.0%±10% (n=6), respectively. These ratios were significantly higher than the evoked ratios of nonexcitatoryphasefirst biphasic and nonexcitatoryphase monophasic: 28.8%±9.5% and 34.2%±12.5% (n=6), respectively. In addition, the stimulation effect of biphasic pulses was dominated by first phases and was not significantly different from the effect of monophasic pulses without second phases. 2) For single pulses on the efferent fibers to evoke population spikes antidromically in the CA1 region, the stimulation effect of biphasic pulses was still similar to the effect of monophasic pulses without second phases (n=6). The effect of biphasic pulses was dominated by their first phases without significant effects of the second phases. 3) During 100 Hz highfrequency antidromic stimulations on the efferent fibers of CA1 region, in the 0.5 s period at the beginning of stimulation, the amplitude suppression of population spikes induced by monophasic pulses was 54.2%±21.3% and was significantly higher than the suppression induced by biphasic pulses 39.0%±10.2% (n=6). It was indicated that the effect of monophasic pulses was much stronger than the effect of biphasic pulses during high-frequency stimulations. However, trains of high-frequency monophasic pulses tended to cause damages to neuronal tissues. Therefore, biphasic pulse is more suitable for chronic therapy with highfrequency stimulation. These results are important for the further understanding of DBS mechanisms and for the efficiency and safety of wide applications of DBS in clinic.
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