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2012 Vol. 31, No. 2
Published: 2012-04-20

161 Mandibular Canal Segmentation Based on Shape-Driven Level-set Algorithm Restrained by Local Information
YANG Ling1,2HOU XiaoYe 2WANG ZhongKe3 RAO NiNi1*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.001
In CT images, the mandibular canal is difficult to distinguish from other surrounding tissues due to its tubular structure. This paper proposed a shapedriven levelset algorithm restrained by local information to segment the mandibular canal with high accuracy. Firstly, according to the location of the distribution of the mandibular canal, we reconstructed many cross sectional images of corresponding parts of the mandibular canal, and extracted the mandibular canal from the cross sectional images, and then applied principal component analysis (PCA) to carry out the shape priori statistics of the mandibular canal. Finally, based on shape-driven level-set algorithm, restrain the evolution of the level-set energy function to improve the segment result in the fuzzy region by introducing the local information of the mandibular canal’s surrounding tissue. By applying the criterion of segmentation accuracy in the region of interest, the segmentation accuracy of shape-driven level-set algorithm was 4.19%, while the segmentation accuracy of our method is 1.82%. Experimental results showed that this method could effectively segment patients’ mandibular canal and provide an effective method for locating the position of the mandibular canal.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 161-166 [Abstract] ( 303 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (813 KB)  ( 768 )
167 Single Trial Event Related Potential Extraction Based on Wavelet and Kalman Smoother Method
MU Kai Yu   WEI Ming*   GUO Jian Ping
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.002
A single trial extraction method of eventrelated potential (ERP) was proposed. In this wavelet and Kalman smoother based method, wavelet transform was first applied to the averaged ERP to investigate its timefrequency characteristics. According to the time position of different components of ERP, the specific wavelet coefficients of single trial ERP on different scales were chosen to construct the measurement vector, which was filtered by Kalman smoother in the next step. Eventually, the disposed coefficients were reconstructed and the single trial ERP signal was obtained. The simulation experiments showed that the wavelet and Kalman smoother based method improved SNR about 16-18dB, and was better than 30 trial ensemble averaging method and the simple wavelet method. The proposed method could also track the ERP amplitude trendlike variability. The real dataset experiment showed that the method preferably extracted the ERP signal concealed in the ongoing background EEG and habituation or sensitization could explain the trend like variability.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 167-174 [Abstract] ( 432 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1185 KB)  ( 604 )
175 Epileptic Seizure Prediction Based on Probabilistic Discriminative Extreme Leaning Machine
HAN Min1*WANG Ming Hui1      HONG Xiao Jun2     HAN Jie2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.003
Sensitivity and falsepositive rate are two of the most important indicators of epileptic seizure prediction. When the sensitivity is improved, the falsepositive rate will increase at the same time. To solve this problem, an epileptic seizure prediction method based on probabilistic discriminative extreme leaning machine (PDELM) was proposed. The method utilized PDELM for classification after extracting features from EEG  by using mean phase coherence (MPC). And the probability of each class could be obtained. Then the balance of the sensitivity and the false-positive rate was maintained by determining a threshold. At last, after smoothing by a filter, the prediction results was obtained. Simulations on the 21 intractable epilepsy patients showed that the proposed method not only has a superior prediction performance (the mean sensitivity can reach 80.4% and the mean false-positive rate was as low as 0.10 h-1), but also required a short training time, which provided a valuable reference for the clinical application of epileptic seizure prediction.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 175-183 [Abstract] ( 321 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (627 KB)  ( 452 )
184 A Pupil Location Method Used for Video-Nystagmograph
CHEN Xue Jun1,2YANG YongMing1*HE Wei1    MAO Yu Xing1
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.004
In order to analyze infrared videonystagmograph, a pupil location method was presented. The method was based on morphology and regional connectivity sign algorithm, which included following steps: (1) using left-up neighborhood method for image segmentation, (2) judging the regions and merged the regions and eventually got the pupil area, (3) calculating the coordinates of the pupil of each frame images to track the pupil movement to obtain clinical diagnostic information. Experimental results of eye movement showed that the pupil location algorithm was simple and less time-consuming, only one time of image scanning and labeling was required, and as fast as twice of Hough transform. The method could meet the accuracy and real-time requirements of the pupil location of the infrared video-nystagmograph system. For the same data, the relevancy between the location results of the proposed method and the results by a Hough based eye direction detection algorithm without on-site calibration was 0.975. The pupil tracking by proposed method well reflected the eye movement, and provided useful information for nystgamus analysis.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 184-189 [Abstract] ( 255 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (596 KB)  ( 541 )
190 Study on the Measurement of High-Frequency Pulsed Magnetic Field Strength
CHEN Yi Mei   LIU Zhi Peng   YIN Tao*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.005
High-frequency transient weak magnetic field is always involved in researches about biomedical engineering field while common magnetic-field sensors cannot work properly at frequencies as high as MHz. To measure the value of MHz-level weak pulsed magnetic-field strength accurately, a measurement and calibration method for pulsed magnetic-field was designed in this paper. A device made of nonferromagnetic material was independently designed and applied to pulsed magnetic field measurement. It held an accurately relative position between the magnetic field generating coil and the detecting coil. By applying a sinusoidal pulse to the generator, collecting the induced electromotive force of the detector, the final magnetic field strength was worked out through algorithms written in Matlab according to Faradays Law. Experiments were carried out for measurement and calibration. Experiments showed that, under good stability and consistency, accurate measurement of magnetic-field strength of a sinepulse magnetic-field can be achieved, with frequency at 0.5 MHz, 1 MHz, 1.5 MHz and strength level at micro-Tesla. Calibration results carried out a measuring relative error about 2.5%.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 190-197 [Abstract] ( 351 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1723 KB)  ( 592 )
198 An Algorithm for Detecting the Onset of Muscle Contraction Based on Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test
XU Qi1*CHENG Jun Yin1   ZHOU Hui1   YANG Lei2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.006
The surface electromyography (sEMG) of stump in the amputee is often applied to control the action of myoelectric prosthesis. According to the sEMG signals with low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) recorded from the stump muscle, a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) method was proposed to detect the onset of muscle contraction, where a decision threshold was related with the SNR of sEMG signals, an off-line simulation method was used to determine the relationship between them. For the simulated sEMG signals with a given SNR, the different thresholds were tested, the optimal threshold could be obtained when the detection accuracy was optimized. As a result, the fitted curve was achieved to describe the relationship of the SNR and the decision threshold. Then, the sEMG signals are analyzed on-line by the GLR test for the onset detection of muscle contractions, while the decision threshold corresponding with the SNR was chosen based on the fitted curve. Compared with the classical algorithms, with the simulated sEMG traces, the error mean and standard deviation for estimating the muscle contraction onset were reduced at least 35% and 43% respectively; based on the real EMG signals, the error mean and standard deviation of the onset estimate were separately not less than 29% and 23%. Therefore, the proposed algorithm based on GLR test for the onset detection of muscle contraction was more accurate than other methods, while the SNR of sEMG signals was low.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 198-202 [Abstract] ( 363 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (593 KB)  ( 485 )
203 Partially Missing Dental Occlusion Surface Adaptive Reconstruction Algorithm
ZHANG Chang Dong DAI Ning1*   LIAO Wen He1    YAN Guo Dong1  SUN Yu Chun2  
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.007
Dental CAD/CAM requires the ability to produce an accurate restoration efficiently and reliably. According to these special characteristics, an adaptive reconstruction algorithm to recover partially missing dental occlusion surface was proposed in this paper. The damaged dental can be designed by deforming the template dental which is in the corresponding position. By the First step, the damaged dental was segmented into interior part and exterior part based on the cavity contour information; next, a template dental was segmented into three parts by means of region segmentation strategy; after adaptive deformation, the part above the cavity was cut as the occlusion surface. Clinical experiments on three kinds of inlay demonstrated that the reconstructed occlusion surface preserved local geometric details and matched well with the preparation tooth. The algorithm provided a complete practical inlay design proposal for clinic application in dental CAD/CAM.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 203-209 [Abstract] ( 318 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (935 KB)  ( 789 )
211 Estimation of Respiratory Rate Based on Data Fusion Using Electrocardiogram and Pulse Wave#br#
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.008
In this paper, an algorithm was proposed to estimate respiratory rate using electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse wave (PW), based on multiple sensor data fusion with Kalman filter. Respiratory signal was acquired separately from the RR interval series and the R absolute amplitude of ECG, as well as from the beat cycles of PW. The respiratory rate was estimated by AR model. Signal quality indices (SQIs) were acquired based on signal waveform, rhythm and spectral features. Then the respiratory rate was fused based on SQIs and residuals of Kalman filter. The signals were sampled from 14 volunteers. The results indicate that the fused respiratory rate performs better than those derived from ECG and PW directly. Compared to the reference of a piezoresistive sensor, the estimation error of data fusion method is (-0.03±2.78) breaths/min. It is much less than both ECG-derived rates (RR interval series: (0.62±3.30)breaths/min; R absolute amplitude: (0.42±3.47) breaths/min) and PW-derived rate (-0.17±2.69) breaths/min). In conclusion, the multiple data fusion method is noise-resisted and suitable for respiratory rate estimation.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 211-216 [Abstract] ( 575 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (744 KB)  ( 1333 )
217 Study of Auditory Perception Tasks Based on EEG Driving
LIANG Jing Kun1    XU Gui Zhi1* LI Ming Zhao2     YU HongLi1
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.009
The aim of this work is to explore the driving EEG in the traffic information based on the auditory perception by motor imagery. In the simulated whistle- brake environment, subjects control the vehicle by the left and right hand motor imagery, the feature was extracted and classified by CSP and linear regression algorithms and the recognition was 96.67%. Results: the signals sampled from C3 and C4 all showed that the voltage amplitude caused by the right hand imagery was higher, the difference between the maximum amplitude was 120 μV. Conclusion: compared to traditional perception of the visual task, the auditory one have advantages including (1) higher voltage amplitude can improve the signal extraction, and (2) the collection of EEG can optimize access to the traditional two-electrode acquisition mode by using the single one.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 217-221 [Abstract] ( 2511 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (566 KB)  ( 596 )
222 Extraction of Aortic and Pulmonary Components from Second Heart Sound
GAO Jiao1   TANG Hong1*QIU Tian ShuangYU Qin2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.010
An extraction method based on simulated annealing (SA) algorithm was proposed to estimate the aortic valve component (A component) and pulmonary valve component (P component) from a second heart sound (S2). It was assumed that both A and P components are subject to envelope modulated chirp model. Each component was characterized by 9 parameters. A S2 signal is thus represented by 18 parameters in total. Under mean squared error (MSE) criterion, the optimal parameters of A component and P component were estimated by using SA algorithm. The A and P components were then reconstructed. Simulation results showed that, the MSEs of reconstructed A and P components are less than 1% and 8% for noise-free condition; the MSEs were less than 1.5% and 10% for -15 dB additive Gaussian white noise condition. In further applications, A and P components are extracted from S2 signals of 10 subjects. The end timing and start timing of reconstructed A and P components were further verified by the dicrotic notches for 2 subjects.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 222-230 [Abstract] ( 286 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1860 KB)  ( 494 )
231 Matching Interpolation of CT Slices Based on Intensity Normal Distribution of Matters
WU Liang Wu*    HOU Jian Hua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.011
A new interpolation algorithm based on intensity normal distribution of matters in medical CT slices was presented in this paper. First, the CT slices were classified into different matters, next, the best matching pairs belonging to the same matter was searched for every interpolated pixel. After that the weighs based on intensity normal distribution were used to calculate the gray level for the interpolated pixels. The traditional linear interpolation could introduce artifacts between the best matching pairs whose gray level differed significantly. The new algorithm could avoid those artifacts in these cases. For the four groups of experimental slices which had a lot of the best matching pairs whose gray level differed significantly, experimental results showed that the new algorithm decreased the average errors of the marked pixels 29.55% averagely more than the traditional linear interpolation between the best matching pairs.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 231-236 [Abstract] ( 298 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (672 KB)  ( 909 )
237 Effects of Regularization Parameters Estimated by L-Curve on Restoration of Auditory-Evoked Potentials Using High Rate Stimulation Paradigm
FENG Jie Ting   YAN Gang  XIAN Xing Yu     LIN Lin     ZHAN Chang An     WANG Tao*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.012
This paper discussed how to establish the best regularization parameters when multiple-corners of L-curve existed in many instances revealed in the corresponding curvature plots in the reconstruction of transient AEP. Restoring the transient auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) obtained at high rate stimulation requires a deconvolution process in the recently developed paradigm. We demonstrated it could be transferred into an inverse problem for a linear system, which requires regularization techniques to deal with the ill-conditioning issue raised from the underlying properties of the transform matrix. A well-established L-curve method was introduced, in which the difficult of obtaining optimal parameter was investigated. For the underestimated case, another new regularization parameter was chosen which was corresponding with other curvature maximum point, incorporating the knowledge of the actual AEP magnitude. This study demonstrated that in most cases, we got fine results by L-curve, however there were failed cases. By comparing the restored AEPs and the conventional AEPs in normal and deviant groups, we achieved the increase by 0.14 and 0.21 respectively in terms of correlation coefficients, and the reduction by 0.30 and 3.25 respectively in terms of relative errors. The regularization parameter that controls the regularizing degree of the objective function plays an important role in the AEP restoration performance. Experimental results showed that appropriate regularization parameter could be determined by incorporating the knowledge of the actual AEP magnitude.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 237-246 [Abstract] ( 283 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1283 KB)  ( 668 )
247 Separation and Revision of Non-Functional Movements from the Omnidirectional M-Mode Echocardiography#br#
YANG Xiu Zhi*    WANG Wei Xing    LIN Qiang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.013
Due to the interference of blood pulse and muscle stretching, the heart movements detected by B type ultrasonic contain functional and non-functional motions. therefore, the motional curve of heart obtained by this way cannot exactly reveal heart’s function. In this article, the contour of left ventricle in a short axis was firstly extracted using the modified Canny algorithm and the gray searching algorithm in radial direction as auxiliary. Non-functional movements were obtained using the movement extracting method based on Fourier descriptors, as well as the method of mass center and inertia axis, and finally removed from the compound motion. As a result, the cardiac motional curve obtained using this method eliminated the phenomena of multi line, shift excursion and being smooth. It showed that the modified sampling directional lines accurately tracked the movements on a certain position in heart at any moment, and the cardiac motional curve did not shift with the movement of non-functional, and the characteristics point was remained. Compared with the original method, the proposed motional curve of heart movement accurately reflected the functional movement at a certain place in the heart.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 247-253 [Abstract] ( 430 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (931 KB)  ( 498 )
254 Brain Electrical Source Analysis during Tonal and Phonetic Oddball Paradigms
LI Yue Zhi1* HU Yong2    REN Li Jie3      WANG Wu Yi3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.014
In this paper, time courses of discrete cortical current sources evoked by target stimuli were investigated with tonal and phonetic oddball paradigms. 64-channel ERPs were recorded in healthy subjects during the paradigms. A regional source model was then introduced to ERPs data in response to tonal and phonetic target stimuli. Activities of regional sources indicated bilateral superior temporal gyri and bilateral insula were sources involved in auditory target detection. While tonal and phonetic task were compared, tonal target detection produced right-greater-than-left hemispheric asymmetry of N2/P3 amplitude in bilateral source activities and the asymmetry more obviously occurred in bilateral insula, and on the contrary, phonetic target detection produced left-greater-than-right hemispheric asymmetry of N2/P3 amplitude in bilateral source activities and the asymmetry obviously occurred in bilateral superior temporal gyri and insula. It was indicated that target processing was modality-specific, tonal target detection produced stronger activation of right insula and right superior temporal gyrus, while phonetic target processing involved stronger activations of left superior temporal gyrus.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 254-261 [Abstract] ( 527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1529 KB)  ( 646 )
262 Hybrid MOM/FDTD Electromagnetic Analysis Method and Application in MR RF Coil Design
WANG Di     HUANG Qi Hua      XIN Xue Gang*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.015
The purpose of this paper is to improve the simulation accuracy of MR RF coil, then to improve the quality of MR image. We take advantages of the method of moment (MOM) and finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, that is, MOM is suitable for the calculation of current distribution on the RF coil structure, FDTD is suitable for the electromagnetic field analysis in the case of human body. We used the Huygens equivalent surface to combine the MOM and FDTD to form a new hybrid MOM/FDTD method. With the proposed real human body 3D electromagnetic model, we considered the complex coil tissue interactions effectively. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the image, which is designed by the method, was 193.4 dB, 38.7dB more than which does not consider the interactions. Consequently, the results verified the accuracy of the design.

2012 Vol. 31 (2): 262-267 [Abstract] ( 603 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1069 KB)  ( 702 )
268 Fracture Healing Stress Prediction Based on Weakening Buffer Operator and GM (1, 1) Equal-Dimension-New-Information Model
ZHU Jian Min*    ZHAI DongTing   HUANG Zhi Wen
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.016
Fracture healing is a complicated process, research shows that the stress environment of traumatic section is one of the main factors that affect the quality and speed of fracture healing. In order to guarantee the quality and speed of fracture healing, it is necessary to predict the stress and its variation tendency dynamically and accurately in the course of fracture healing, so that the applied force from fracture treatment device on traumatic section can be immediately adjusted. In allusion to the low predictive precision problem of existing stress predictive methods, this paper proposed a dynamic method for predicting fracture healing stress based on weakening buffer operator and equal-dimension-new-information GM (1,1) model. This method in first step used the role of weakening buffer operator for actual measured stress data, and then built the predictive model of weakening processed stress data sequence by using GM (1,1) equaldimension-new-information model. Testing experiments were conducted in goat fracture models, and the daily average stress on trauma section in the course of fracture healing was obtained. Experimental results showed that the predictive precision was 40 times of that obtained from the method based on GM (1,1) equal-dimension-new-information model.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 268-275 [Abstract] ( 368 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (844 KB)  ( 485 )
276 Performance Comparison of Conventional Imaging Methods for Adjunctive Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
ZHANG Feng*     LUO Li Min     BAO Xu Dong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.017
To avoid presences of benign biopsies, there is a urgent need to introduce adjunctive diagnostic methods for suspicious lesions classified as BI-RADS 3~5 detected in mammography. However, diagnostic performances of different conventional imaging modalities, such as ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scintimammography (SMM) and electrical impedance scanning (EIS), for this specific clinical application are less known. In this paper, related articles published between 2000 and 2011 were searched, and the diagnostic performances of each imaging modality based on a relative large size of breast lesions were demonstrated by meta-analysis. The sensitivity with 95% confidence interval of US, MRI, SMM and EIS are 81.3% (0.794, 0.831), 90.0% (0.883, 0.916), 84.4% (0.821, 0.866) and 81.0% (0.778, 0.839); the specificity are 93.0% (0.921, 0.938), 82.9% (0.811, 0.846), 83.6% (0.816, 0.855) and 67.9% (0.651, 0.707); the accuracy, as the area under summary receive operation curve, are 94.7% (0.924, 0.969), 93.4% (0.894, 0.973), 92.8% (0.900, 0.955) and 76.9% (0.691, 0.846). Statistic analysis indicated that MRI was the most sensitive one and US was of the most specificity of four conventional imaging modalities. There were no significant differences among US, MRI and SMM in accuracy. EIS had a relative high sensitivity, but its specificity was lower. Adjunctive diagnosis according the characteristic of each imaging modality, adopting single (US/MRI/SMM/EIS) or combing imaging modalities (MRI followed by US), could reduce benign biopsies rate from 80% to 25.7%/43.0%/43.8%/61.2% and even 6.4%, with a rate of missed diagnosis of 10.0%~27.0%. In application, short-interval follow-up should be taken for benign patients diagnosed by the adjunctive imaging method to decrease the blight of possible missed diagnosis.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 276-284 [Abstract] ( 318 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (553 KB)  ( 739 )
285 Expression and Purification of Plasmodium Falciparum Multiepitope Chimeric Vaccine M.RCAg-1 in Escherichia Coli
E Xue Hu    LIN Ya Hui     WANG Heng*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.018
This study is aimed to express and purify Plasmodium falciparum multiepitope chimeric vaccine M.RCAg-1 in Escherichia coli and to maximize the purity and yield of target protein. Extraction and sequence of the recombinant plasmid from the engineering bacteria BL21 (DE3)M.RCAg-1/pDS-eX, IPTG was used to induce to express M.RCAg-1 Five different methods of combinations of Ni affinity purification, anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography were used to purify M.RCAg-1, and the optimal purification approach was selected according to the final purity and yield of M.RCAg-1. The specificity of Ni-NTA Agarose was much better, by Ni-NTA Agarose first step purification, the M.RCAg-1 purity could reach 79.98%, the next two-step anion exchange chromatography and gel filtration could enhance M.RCAg-1 purity significantly and the final M.RCAg-1 was over 99% in purity, yield was above 15%. This research has established a protocol for expressing and purifying Plasmodium falciparum multiepitope chimeric vaccine M.RCAg-1 in Escherichia coli and formed the foundation for the downstream large scale production and further investigates the M.RCAg-1 effectiveness.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 285-290 [Abstract] ( 264 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (700 KB)  ( 474 )
291 Preparation of Collagen/Silk Fibroin Bicomponent Micro-Nanofibers and its Cytocompatibility Study
CUI Xin Ai1    LIU Xin2    KONG De Ling3     GU Han Qing1,2*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.019
This study aimed to prepare collagen/silk fibroin composite micronanofibers using electrospinning technique, and to evaluate their properties and cytocompatibility. Taking 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro- 2-propanol(HFIP) as solvent, the composite fibers were prepared according to the mass ratio of collagen/silk fibroin as 100:0.70:30.50:50.30:70.0:100, and then crosslinked by glutaraldehyde (GTA) vapor for 12 h. The fibers were characterized by combined techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectra (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis and tensile measurements. The composite fibers were inoculated with fibroblasts (3T3). The cell adhesion and proliferation were evaluated by SEM and MTT. The results showed the diameter of composite fibers ranged from 550 nm to 1100 nm, and fiber diameter was positively correlated with SF content. After crosslinking, the β-sheet structure, crystallinity and thermal stability of the nanofibers were improved. This improvement was more obvious with the SF content increases. The mechanical properties of cross-linked fibers were better than those of uncrosslinked fibers, and the best average ultimate tensile strength was (8.70±1.05) MPa when SF content was 70%. The cells grew well on the surface of materials, and had the best adhesion and proliferation on the composite fibers with SF content of 70%, which might be a potential candidate for tissue engineering scaffold.
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 291-299 [Abstract] ( 478 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1719 KB)  ( 1137 )
300 Study on Preparation and Biocompatibility of Novel Porous PCL/CPC Scaffolds
WANG Shu Hong1,2   ZHAO PengZHANG Jin E1   GUO Hua Yan1   GUO Na1   
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.020
To investigate the preparation and biocompatibility of porous polycaprolactone/calcium phosphate cement (PCL/CPC) scaffolds in uses for bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs), the scaffolds were fabricated by solution blending method, and water soluble salt crystals were used as pore-forming agent. The dynamic mechanical test (DMA) was conducted using Q800 dynamic mechanical analyzer, with the porosity measured by drainage method. BMSCs were implanted and cultured with PCL/CPC scaffolds in vitro, PCL and CPC scaffolds were taken as controls. The attachment, proliferation and differentiation of BMSCs were detected through morphological characters, growth curve, the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin (OC) and entopic bone formation in nude mice. Results showed that, storage modulus of the composite scaffold reached the maximum when the ratio of PCL to CPC was 7:3, the pore size of the material was 250~350 μm, and the porosity of the scaffolds reached 70%~80%. BMSCs attached to and grew better on the surface of porous PCL/CPC and CPC scaffolds than PCL scaffolds (P<0.05), and BMSCs proliferate, and function more actively on porous PCL/CPC and CPC scaffolds than on PCL scaffolds (P<0.05). More bone form in nude mice of PCL/CPC 13.78%±1.60% and CPC scaffolds 15.29%±1.20% than PCL scaffolds 7.56%±2.20% (P<0.05). In summary, PCL/CPC scaffolds have good biocompatibility for BMSCs to fabricate tissue-engineered bone in vitro.

2012 Vol. 31 (2): 300-306 [Abstract] ( 382 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1621 KB)  ( 709 )
307 The Surface Adsorption and Cupric Ion Release of Copper Intrauterine Device in vivo
CAO Bian Mei1    XI Ting Fei2,3,4*DONG Zhe3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.021
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 307-311 [Abstract] ( 281 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (770 KB)  ( 820 )
312 An Automatic Rapid Assessment Method for the Satifaction of Liquid-Based Cervical Cells Thinprep
WANG ChuanZhong1*LI ZhiJin1     WU Hai Yan2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.022
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 312-315 [Abstract] ( 253 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (409 KB)  ( 395 )
316 Dynamic Respiratory Monitoring System Based on Body Area Networks
LIU Guan Zheng1,2  WU Dan1    MEI Zhan Yong1     ZHU Qing Song1     WANG Lei1*
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.0258-8021.2012.02.023
2012 Vol. 31 (2): 316-320 [Abstract] ( 338 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (693 KB)  ( 1410 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech