The SelfTraining SemiSupervised Support Vector Machine Based on Wavelet Entropy for the Evaluation of the Elderly Gait |
College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China |
Abstract This work investigated the application of the semisupervised learning algorithm to analysis of the unlabeled gait data for evaluating the elderly gait. The novel gait classification algorithm that the selftraining semisupervised support vector machine(SVM) based on wavelet entropy for the discrimination between the young and elderly gait pattern was addressed. In the selftraining, wavelet entropy was employed to obtain labeled samples from unlabeled dataset. The most valuable information related to the gait change was acquired for current gait classifier model, which obviously improved the gait classification performance of SVM. The labeled gait sample datasets including 10 young and 10 elderly participants were used to develop SVM that was employed to classify the unlabelled gait dataset from 120 subjects of different age groups. The new labeled gait data, obtained by our defined wavelet entropy, were selected and constructed the new sample train dataset for developing selftraining SVM. The experimental results showed that the accuracy of our proposed algorithm is 90% in recognization of the young and elderly gait pattern. Furthermore, the accuracy of our proposed algorithm was increased approximately 5% compared with that of the classification algorithm by the supervised support vector machine, suggesting that our proposed technique can obtain more information related to gait change from the labeled and unlabeled gait dataset, and provides a new tool for assessment of elder gait.
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