Quantitative Analysis for the Difference between Muscle Activity of Bilateral Lower Extremities Based on sEMG |
1 School of Mechatronic Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China
2 Shenzhen Institutes of Advance Technology,Chinese Academy of Science, Shenzhen 518055, China |
Abstract Most of the studies about active rehabilitation robot use sEMG signal as the control source, and they usually relied on unilateral data collection, base on the gait symmetry hypothesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the quantitative difference between the muscle activity of the bilateral lower extremities. Nine healthy subjects consented to participate in the study that included collection the sEMG signals of bilateral pairs of muscles (tibialis anterior and medial gastrocnemius) of the lower extremities during the static stability (standing straight) and the dynamic stability (walking). The sEMG signals were normalized by the MVC value. Comparing the level of the muscle activity of the bilateral lower extremities during the two kinds of experiments, we observed significant differences between the muscles. The right TA muscle activity was 3.1 times that of the left side, and left MG muscle activitiy was 1.5 times that of the right side at the static stability; during dynamic stability, strong negative correlation existed between the difference of muscle activity of the bilateral lower extremities and speeds (rTA=-0.759,rMG=-0.639). In summary, the experimental results showed that there were significant differences between the muscle activity of the bilateral lower extremities, which have strong negative correlation with speeds, though the bilateral muscles had same function and recruitment pattern. The results are of significance of setting the motion control threshold of the active bilateral exoskeleton rehabilitation robot and the rehabilitation assessment of the stroke patients that base on sEMG.
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