The Association between Depth Information of 3D Movie and Viewer Fatigue |
College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China |
Abstract In this work, 10 healthy male volunteers were required to watch 5 film clips with different depth information. Their EEG data of preand postwatching were collected for figuring out the impact of depth information of 3D films on audiences’ visual fatigue. By calculating the power of each frequency band spectrum, the change of fatigue factor R=(Pα+Pθ)/Pβ was obtained. Additionally we designed questionnaires to evaluate the volunteers’ degree of visual fatigue qualitatively. The relationship amid depth information, Rvalue and subjective fatigue feeling emerged from the questionnaire was analyzed statistically. Experimental results showed that after watching 3D films with different depth information, all volunteers reported eyes appearing heavy, soreness, tingling and other symptoms of fatigue or other discomforts. Fatigue factors collected from 14 independent leads increase accordingly, especially in lead F4, C4, F7. Our conclusions are following: (1) A close correlation between depth information and audiences’ fatigue exists, the greater the average depth information and its standard deviation, the more prone to tired; (2) The crossed disparity is more prone to cause fatigue than uncrossed disparity at the same depth information. (3) The fatigue factor Rvalue and subjective fatigue questionnaire can be used as a point of reference for the 3D movie fatigue assessment.
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