Application of Recombinant Collagen in Tissue Regeneration |
Zhang Yue1,2, Jia Yuanyuan1,2, Sun Xiuli1,2*, Wang Jianliu1,2 |
1(Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing 100044, China) 2(Beijing Key Laboratory of Female Pelvic Floor Disorders, Beijing 100044, China) |
Abstract Recombinant collagen is a novel biomaterial based on the genetic coding of specific functional domains of human collagen, synthesized through structural biology, genetic engineering, and related technologies. Its amino acid sequence is either identical or highly similar to that of human collagen, endowing it with low immunogenicity, excellent biocompatibility, and significant bioactivity. Consequently, recombinant collagen has shown considerable potential in tissue repair and regenerative medicine. This paper summarized the classifications, synthesis processes, and effects of recombinant collagen, while reviewing its advancements in the application of tissue regeneration for skin, cardiovascular tissues, skeletal structures, corneas, and pelvic floor tissues. Additionally, limitations of current research and future directions were discussed, aiming to provide new insights for the research and application of recombinant collagen.
Received: 28 March 2024
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