Effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Different Protocols on Causal Network Connection of Local Field Potential during Working Memory Task in Rats |
Guo Miaomiao1,2*, Ji Lihui1,2, Zhang Tianheng1,2, Wang Zhonghao1,2, Xu Guizhi1,2 |
1(State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China) 2(Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability of Hebei Province, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China) |
Abstract In recent years, non-invasive clinical neuromodulation methods have attracted intensive research interests. Among the methods, transcranial magnetic stimulation can non-invasively induce an induced electric field in the cerebral cortex, thereby regulating the function of the nervous system, and its regulatory effect on cognitive function is particularly significant. In this paper, the rats in stimulation group are treated in 5 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS), and intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS). There were 6 rats in each group. The local field potentials of rats during the working memory task were recorded. The causal connection network of local field potential in the θ band and γ band was constructed based on the directional transfer function, and the characteristic parameters of the causal network such as the DTF value, average connection density, and global efficiency of each group of rats were calculated. Furthermore, the effects of different protocols of transcranial magnetic stimulation on behavioral ability was discussed. The results showed that rats in the rTMS[(4.83±1.84) d)] and iTBS[(5.00±1.55) d] groups learned more quickly than those in the control[(7.83±2.40) d) and cTBS[(9.33±2.07) d] groups(P<0.05) during working memory behavior tasks. There was no statistical difference in the DTF values of the LFPs signal in θ band between the groups (P >0.05). The DTF value, connection density, and global network efficiency of the γ band in the rTMS and iTBS groups were higher than those in the control and cTBS groups (P<0.05). The results indicated that 5 Hz rTMS and iTBS protocol enhanced the information interaction of gamma oscillations among the neuron clusters in the prefrontal cortex, and improved the working memory ability of rats. These findings can provide references for the research of TMS in clinical application and brain cognitive function.
Received: 08 December 2021
Corresponding Authors:
*E-mail: gmm@hebut.edu.cn
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