Psychological Stress Evaluation Focus on Individual Difference
1 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004,China
2 Measurement Technology and Instrumentation Key Lab of Hebei Province,Qinhuangdao 066004,China
3 The College of Life Science and BioEngineering, Beijing University of Technology Beijing,100124,China
Abstract:Chronic mental pressure will affect ones health directly by bring a series of pathology and physiology risks. Effective methods of evaluating psychological pressure can detect and assess realtime stress states, warning people to pay a close attention to their health. This paper is focused on the problem of individual difference in the stress evaluation process. An improved support vector machine (SVM) evaluation algorithm in automated valuation of stress/nonstress reaction was proposed based on the measurement of surface myoelectrogram signal. The algorithm clustered the samples and gave the clustering information to the loss function of SVM to achieve training samples’ screening. With the imbalance problem of the two kinds of samples after screening, the weight were given to the loss function to reduce classifier’s prediction tendentiousness, which decreases the error of training sample and makes up for the influence made by the unbalanced samples. The improved algorithm increased the classification accuracy from 70.34% to 79.31%, while algorithm running time was decreased from 2026.5 s to 541.3 s. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively avoid the influence resulting from the individual difference on stress appraisal effect. Meanwhile the algorithm reduces the computational complexity.
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