Research on ERP for the Ways of Payment on Consumer Product Preferences |
Song Zhijie*, Zhang Liping, Wang Dandan, Li Tianjiao, Shi Rui |
(College of Economy and Management, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, Hebei, China) |
Abstract In order to explore the influence of the ways for payment on product purchasing preference and its brain neural mechanisms, event-related potential (ERP) experiments with two-factor internal design, 2 (product type: hedonic products and practical products)×2 (payment methods: cash payment and non-cash payment), were used based on mental accounting theory. Participants were asked to make purchasing choices under four different experimental scenarios. And the neurophysiological processes were recorded at the same time for consumption choice. The results showed that in early cognitive stage, when the consumers were stimulated by practical products and hedonic products, they automatically allocated more attention to hedonic products than that to practical products and caused more volatile P2 components ((5.809±0.811)μV vs (4.878±0.944)μV , P<0.05); In cognitive process stage, when the consumers faced different payments, it was easy to create conflicts of decision-making, increasing the difficulty of decision-making, cash payments caused less volatile P3 component than that for non-cash payments ((3.267±0.907)μV vs (3.913±0.833)μV, P<0.05). In cognitive decision-making stage, when consumers paid for hedonic products, pain of payment and guilt of shopping resulted in more volatile LPP components compared with that for paying practical products in cash((3.825±0.843)μV vs (2.929±0.769)μV, P<0.05). And when consumers paid for hedonic products, pleasure of payments and shopping triggered strong emotional arousal resulted in more volatile LPP components compared with that for paying practical products in non-cash ((3.375±0.887)μV vs (2.030±0.768)μV, P<0.05).Therefore, consumers preferred practical products when using cash payments and hedonic products when using non-cash payments. Analysis from brain electrophysiological perspective has importance for consumers, merchants and payment institutions.
Received: 06 August 2018
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