VEP and EEG Signal-Based Research on Different Parallax Images in 3D-TV |
College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics
Abstract The EEG of volunteers was collected when they were watching 3D images with different parallaxes. The visual evoked potential (VEP) of different images and the visual fatigue factor R were analyzed to explore the effects of parallax of 3D film on human body. Test systems were set up based on the Neuroscan electroencephalograph. Ten healthy volunteers received picture\|stimulation of different parallaxes. A feedback button could be pressed when they felt discomfort (tingling or vertigo). Through the method of superimposed average, VEP was extracted based on three lead O1, Oz, and O2 in occipital domain of visual sense, obtaining N135 composition and P260 composition wave. The preprocessed ECG signals were superposed upon the same stimulus serial number. The fatigue factor R was obtained from the relative power calculated by the superposed signals with Matlab. Results showed that the amplitudes and the latency period of the VEP were not the same while watching different visual parallax images, especially for the latency period (the variation of mean value between different groups was 30%). The fatigue factor R was the biggest when volunteers watched negative parallax 3D images, and the average values of all leads were 10% higher than that when watching other groups. In conclusions, the P260 component (amplitude and incubation period) can be used to detect 3D pictures; Negative parallax images more likely make human eyes fatigue; Images with both positive and negative parallaxes is in the least possibility to cause fatigue.
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