Corticomuscular Synchronization Analysis Based on Granger Causality during Walking#br# |
1 Yanshan University, College of Electrical Engineering, Key Lab of Measurement Technology and Instrumentation of Hebei Province, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China
2 Yanshan University, Key Laboratory of Control Engineering of Hebei Province, Biological Information Research Center, Qinhuangdao 066004, China |
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate functional relationship between brain cortex and muscles during walking and explore the differences of the functional relationships between forward and backward walking. This article collects the EEG and EMG datasets which acquired simultaneously from 10 healthy subjects during forward and backward walking. Granger causality (GC) method, which can reveal the coupling connection and information flow direction among two signals, was applied to analyze the EEG and surface EMG data. Further, the EEGEMG significant GC area was defined to quantitatively describe the corticomuscular function coupling and information flow direction of different muscles at different frequencies. Then the EEG spectral power was calculated to analyze the relationship with corticomuscular function coupling. The results of Wilcoxon test show that during backward walking, the EEG→EMG and EMG→EEG significant GC area indexes of rectus femoris and tibialis anterior muscle were lower compared with forward walking(α=005, P<005), and a linear relationship exists between EEG spectral power peak and GC peak at EEG→EMG based on linear regression analysis(α=005, P<005). These illustrate that there exists directed coupling between EEG and EMG during walking, and alpha and beta rhythm involve the control and feedback process of walking. It verifies that the proposed methods can further describe the synchronization feature and functional connection between cortex and muscles.
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