An HTML5-Based Epidemiology Data Acquisition System for Colorectal Cancer |
College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering of
Ministry of Education of China, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract Colorectal cancer is a serious disease endangering human life. Acquiring epidemiology data of the highrisk population can gain a comprehensive understanding of their health related information such as dietary habits, personal medical history and family disease history, which facilitates early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. An epidemiology data acquisition system for colorectal cancer based on B/S architecture which can work offline was reported in this article. The system was developed by combining ASP.NET with HTML5 offline web applications. Web Service was asynchronously called by jQuery for submitting epidemiology data to serverside when the system was on line, and Web SQL Database was used to store epidemiology data in clientside while the system was off line. As test result indicated, the system was not only loaded to several mobile platforms such as iOS and Android conveniently, but also worked well regardless of network condition, meeting the practical requirement of acquiring epidemiology data by mobile terminals in places without network connection. A total of 178 epidemiological data from colorectal cancer patients was collected using this system. The data have been stored in the translational research platform. It was shown that taking advantage of HTML5, two issues of epidemiology data acquisitions system, that is, platformdependence and networkdependence, could be solved validly at the same time.
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