An Observation Method of Human-Computer Interaction for Identification of Target MoleculesBased on U-Net Convolutional Neural Network |
Zhang Xinfeng1, Yin Wenbin1, Fang Jinpeng1, Zhang Xinmei2* |
1(College of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, Jiangsu, China) 2(Ultrasound Medical Center, Xi'an People's Hospital (Xi'an Fourth Hospital), Xi'an 710004, China) |
Abstract The observation of molecules that play an important role in life activities is an important way to discover intrinsic mechanisms of the life activities. Most of existing biomedical image processing methods focus on the detection and identification of specific substances, however, it is difficult to adapt to changing demands of scientific research. To this end, this paper proposed a human-computer interaction method based on U-Net convolutional neural network to identify all the same molecules in biomedical images, such as nucleic cell, proteins, etc. First, the U-Net convolutional network was used to convert molecular images to deep feature maps, and then the features of the target molecules were used to match on the entire feature map to detect all the same molecules of interest. Then, the CSR-DCF (discriminative correlation filter with channel and spatial reliability) algorithm was used to build a multi-target tracker to achieve continuous tracking of the target molecules. Experimental results showed that the proposed method was able to quickly detect similar molecules of interest through simple human-computer interaction, and obtain important information on the number, distribution and interactions of target molecules. Attention-based U-Net and U-Net performed consistently on 200 static test images randomly selected from Nucleus, Human Protein Atlas, Bacteria and Blood Red Cell datasets, withaverage precision mean values of 0.912 5 and 0.898 1, respectively. At the same time, the tracking of targets in the dynamic images of mouse stem cells was accurate and stable, proving the effectiveness of the method to meet the needs of microscopic life process observation in life science research.
Received: 24 April 2022
Corresponding Authors:
*E-mail: zhangxinmeinihao@126.com
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