Functional Connectivity Analysis of Cortical Muscles for Stroke Patients Based on Partial Transfer Entropy |
Shi Zhengyi1,2, Xie Qiurong3,4*, Wang Xiaoling3,4, Li Yurong1,2 |
1(School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China) 2(Fujian Provincial Key Lab of Medical Instrument and Pharmaceutical Technology, Fuzhou 350108, China) 3(College of Rehabilitation Medicine, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, China) 4(Key Laboratory of OrthoPedics & Traumatology of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Rehabilitation (Fujian University of TCM), Ministry of Education, Fuzhou 350122, China) |
Abstract Motor dysfunction is the main symptom after stroke, which is generally thought to be caused by the damage of neural network that controls motor function. To explore the neuromuscular control mechanism of stroke patients, in this paper, the functional cortical muscular coupling (FCMC) is used as a tool to collect the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of 13 stroke patients and 13 healthy controls during the extension movement. Meanwhile, the Electromyogram (EMG) signals of triceps brachii, anterior deltoid toe, middle toe, back toe, biceps brachii, pectoralis major and trapezius muscle are obtained by FCMC. Moreover, by locating the cerebral cortex source, the raw EEG signal is obtained, afterwards the active brain region corresponding to the action is also determined by clustering, finally the cortical muscle functional connection is obtained by using partial transfer entropy. The functional connectivity of ICsF with AD, ICsB with BIC, ICsC with PD, PM, and UT in the upstream channels was significantly enhanced in stroke patients compared with healthy controls (For example, the healthycontrol group is 0.033±0.031, the stroke patient is 0.092±0.083, P<0.05). The functional connectivity of BIC with ICsA, ICsB and ICsC, TRI and UT with ICsC in the downstream channels was significantly enhanced in stroke patients compared with healthy controls (For example, the healthy control group is 0.113±0.092, and the stroke patients are 0.198±0.105, P<0.05). Ipsilateral cortical muscle functional connectivity is present in stroke patients. The experimental results show that this paper explores the cortical muscle functional connection effect after stroke from a new angle, and proves that there exists ipsilateral cortical muscle functional connection in stroke patients, which further effectively promotes the understanding of neuromuscular coupling mechanism after stroke.
Received: 20 September 2022
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