3D Medical Image Segmentation Based on Joined Depth Network and Morphological Structure Constraints |
Li Jun, Ye Xinyi, Yang Changcai, Chen Qiufeng, Xue Lanyan, Wei Lifang* |
(College of Computer and Information, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002) |
Abstract Automatic segmentation of medical images has extensive and important clinical application value, especially the automatic segmentation of lesions and organs. The medical image segmentation based on conventional image processing methods can only utilize shallow features extracted by shallow structure model to identify the regions of interest and requires a lot of manual intervention. However, the segmentation methods based on the machine learning have limitations and lack of interpretability in modeling. This paper presented a 3D medical image segmentation method based on Transformer and convolutional neural network (CNN) combined with morphological structure constraints. In the encoder, the CNN and Transformer were used to construct a U-shaped network structure to extract various features; and in the decoder, the up-sampling operation was used and the features of different levels were concatenated together by skip-connections. The morphological structure constraint module was addedto enhance the interpretability of the modelthrough extracting the shape information of segmented targets such as lesions and organs, and the maximum pooling and average pooling operations were used to further extract representative features from the results obtained through the CNN as the input of the morphological structure moduleand improved the accuracy of the final segmentation results. The evaluation indexes DSC and HD were used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on the public datasets Synapse and ACDC. On the Synapse dataset, 18 cases of data were used as the training set and 12 cases of data were used as the test set; on the ACDC dataset, 70 cases of data were used as the training set, 10 cases of data were used as the validation set and 20 cases of data were used as the test set. The experimental results showed that the average value of DSC and HD of different optimizers reached 76.67% and 25.18 mm (SDG) and 82.80% and 21.07 mm (Adam) on Synapse respectively, and the average value of DSC and HD of different optimizers reached 90.65% (SDG) and 91.75% (Adam) on ACDC respectively. Compared with other methods, the proposed method has shown certain advantages. The results showed that the proposed method improved the wrong-segmentation problems in the 3D medical image segmentation, and enhanced the performance of image segmentation task.
Received: 28 June 2022
Corresponding Authors:
*E-mail: weilifang0028@fafu.edu.cn
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