The Envelope Analysis of Stroop Effect Marked with SSVEP Background Based on Hermite Filters |
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Medical School, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China |
Abstract Stroop effect can reflect the brain attention of the conflict and the interference. In order to analyze the brain cognitive activity of Stroop effect deeply, the Stroop experiment paradigm marked with steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) background was designed innovatively, which can get EEG data including both the event related potential (ERP) signals and the SSVEP signals.To realize this, the envelope analysis method based on Hermite filters was proposed.EEG data of ten subjects were recorded, and then the ERP signals and SSVEP signals were gotten respectively. In the time window of 400~600 ms after stimulus, the ERP signal of incongruent condition was more negative than that of congruent condition. The difference between two conditions was significant statistically and mainly distributed in the prefrontal regions, which was the EEG reflection of the Stroop effect. Through the envelope analysis, it was found that the envelope of SSVEP signal declined remarkably after the stimulus. The poststimulus changes of the Alpha frequency band total envelope of the ERP signal were related with its prestimulus level.If its level before stimulus was high, it declined to the lower level after a small increase; if its level before stimulus was low, it remained to the same level after an increase. We got the further cognitive activity study of Stroop effect through the Stroop experiment paradigm marked with SSVEP background and the envelope analysis method, which also provides a reference for other cognitive experiments.
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