The Effect of Nanoparticle on Vitrification of Porcine GV-Stage Oocytes
1 Institute of Biothermal Technology, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093, China
2 Animal and Veterinary Research Institute,SAAS,Shanghai Municipal Key Laboratory of Agri-Genetics and Breeding,Shanghai 201106,China
Abstract:Nano-cryopreservation is a promising new way in the next generation of cryopreservation technology; however, using nanoparticles in oocytes vitrification has been rarely reported. This paper investigated the effect of hydroxy apatite (HA), silica, aluminum oxide, and titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the cryoprotectant on the survival rate and developmental rate of porcine GV- stage oocytes. The cells were cryopreserved in Cryotop and observed using fluorescence staining methods. Results showed that HA nanoparticles have the lowest cytotoxicity among the other nanoparticles, the developmental rate of GV-stage porcine oocytes was 100% when concentrate of HA was lower than 0.5%. When the concentration of HA was 0.1% in the cryoprotectant, the developmental rate of GV-stage porcine oocytes was 22% in Cryotop, which was significantly higher than that in the other groups. The size of nanoparticles exerted little influence. When 0.05% HA nanoparticles (60 nm in diameter) were added, the developmental rate increased dramatically from 14.7% in control group to 30.4%. In conclusion, adding appropriate concentration of HA nanoparticles to cryoprotectant can reduce recrystallization during rewarming and promote survival rate and developmental rate of oocytes after freezing and rewarming. The effect of HA nanoparticles is concentration dependent, while independent to diameters of the nanoparticles.
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