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  2025年1月10日 星期五  
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基于HTML5 的结直肠癌流行病学数据采集系统
浙江大学生物医学工程与仪器科学学院 生物医学工程教育部重点实验室,杭州 310027
An HTML5-Based Epidemiology Data Acquisition System for Colorectal Cancer
College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering of 
Ministry of Education of China, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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摘要 结直肠癌是危害人类生命健康的重大疾病。获取结直肠癌高危人群的流行病学数据,能及时掌握他们的生活习惯、个人和家族疾病史等信息,对结直肠癌的早诊早治有重要意义。本研究构建了一个基于B/S架构且能离线运行的结直肠癌流行病学数据采集系统。该系统采用ASP.NET结合HTML5的离线运行技术,利用jQuery异步调用Web Service实现数据在线提交,利用Web SQL Database实现数据离线存储。测试结果表明,该系统不仅能在iOS,Android等移动平台加载,并且能在没有网络或网络不稳定的场所正常运行,满足使用移动终端在缺乏网络的场所,进行流行病学数据采集和归档的实际需求。目前已利用该系统采集了178份结直肠癌流行病学数据,这些数据已作为数据源存储于前期工作开发的转化医学平台。本研究表明,利用HTML5可同时有效解决流行病学数据采集系统的平台依赖性和网络依赖性两大问题。
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刘芳 邓宁* 郑玲 王利 段会龙
关键词 HTML5 流行病学 离线应用 移动终端 结直肠癌    
Abstract:Colorectal cancer is a serious disease endangering human life. Acquiring epidemiology data of the highrisk population can gain a comprehensive understanding of their health related information such as dietary habits, personal medical history and family disease history, which facilitates early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. An epidemiology data acquisition system for colorectal cancer based on B/S architecture which can work offline was reported in this article. The system was developed by combining ASP.NET with HTML5 offline web applications. Web Service was asynchronously called by jQuery for submitting epidemiology data to serverside when the system was on line, and Web SQL Database was used to store epidemiology data in clientside while the system was off line. As test result indicated, the system was not only loaded to several mobile platforms such as iOS and Android conveniently, but also worked well regardless of network condition, meeting the practical requirement of acquiring epidemiology data by mobile terminals in places without network connection. A total of 178 epidemiological data from colorectal cancer patients was collected using this system. The data have been stored in the translational research platform. It was shown that taking advantage of HTML5, two issues of epidemiology data acquisitions system, that is, platformdependence and networkdependence, could be solved validly at the same time.
Key wordsHTML5    epidemiology    offline web applications    mobile terminal    colorectal cancer
刘芳 邓宁* 郑玲 王利 段会龙. 基于HTML5 的结直肠癌流行病学数据采集系统[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2013, 32(4): 464-470.
LIU Fang  DENG NingZHENG Ling  WANG Li  DUAN Hui Long. An HTML5-Based Epidemiology Data Acquisition System for Colorectal Cancer. journal1, 2013, 32(4): 464-470.
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