Abstract:In order to achieve proper glucose control, diabetes patients are required frequent blood glucose monitoring and insulin injection. Over the past three decades, automated closedloop insulin delivery systems with glucose monitoring function (called artificial pancreas) have been largely investigated world-wide. In the system, algorithms that control insulin delivery in artificial pancreas with timedelay are the most important issue. This review will introduce and analyze the components and control problems of existing artificial pancreas prototypes. Next we will focus on the blood glucose control algorithms that enable outpatient use of closed-loop insulin delivery system. The advantages and disadvantages of various control algorithms will be discussed from the point of adaptability in artificial pancreas. Latest clinical application of these glucose control algorithms in artificial pancreas system are also summarized and commented. Among those methods, model predictive control, PID and fuzzy control are efficient control methods in clinical. The challenges and futher directions, such as rewrite algorithms in chips, meal prediction, and safety problem will be discussed.
姚玉峰 刘亚欣* 黄博 钟鸣 . 用于人工胰腺的血糖闭环控制方法研究进展[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2013, 32(6): 741-751.
YAO Yu Feng LIU Ya Xin* HUANG Bo ZHONG Ming. Progress in Blood Glucose Closed-Loop Control Algorithms for Artificial Pancreas. journal1, 2013, 32(6): 741-751.
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