MSCRHO-Net: A Deep Learning Model for Effective Removal of Hair Occlusion from DermoscopicImages
Du Hongxuan1, Liu Qingyi1, Ren Yande2, Wang Yan1, Zhang Yanan1, Bai Peirui1#*
1(College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, Shandong, China) 2(Department of Radiology, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao 265000,Shandong,China)
Abstract:It is of great significance to carry out early detection and diagnosis of skin cancer based on automatic analysis of dermoscopic images. However, hair occlusion poses a challenge to image feature extraction and skin lesion diagnosis. In this paper, a multi-scale cascade deep learning model (MSCRHO-Net) by integrating the Laplace pyramid was proposed. First, Laplace pyramid was employed to extract the key features of different scales in image space. A cascade block was designed for each scale channel to predict the hairless image by a coarse to fine scheme. High precision hair extraction and boundaries details retention were achieved through this operation. Then, a combined loss function including perceptual loss and SSIM loss was constructed, which was helpful to enhance details recovery and obtain more clear hair removal images. The performance of MSCRHO-Net was validated on synthetic dataset and real dataset ISIC2017(4750 training images, 400 synthetic test images, and 223 real test images). The experimental results demonstrated that MSCRHO-Net was able to remove hair effectively without learning of huge parameters.The mean values of SSIM and PSNR reached 0.958 4 and 35.49 respectively, which significantly improved the performance (P<0.05) compared with other traditional hair removal methods. MSCRHO-Net shows high adaptability and robustness to complex hair structure, and can deal with complicated scenarios such as damaged lesion texture and blurred image.
杜红萱, 刘庆一, 任延德, 王艳, 张亚楠, 白培瑞. MSCRHO-Net:一种有效去除皮肤镜图像毛发遮挡的深度学习模型[J]. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2024, 43(6): 662-672.
Du Hongxuan, Liu Qingyi, Ren Yande, Wang Yan, Zhang Yanan, Bai Peirui. MSCRHO-Net: A Deep Learning Model for Effective Removal of Hair Occlusion from DermoscopicImages. Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2024, 43(6): 662-672.
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