Abstract:Ventricular puncture and drainage is an important first aid method for craniocerebral injury. However, there are some problems such as time-consuming and labour-intensive craniotomy, and difficult to perform without experiencedsurgeons. In order to simplify the first aid process and reduce the requirements of emergency surgery, an image-guided teleoperation ventricular puncture robot system was developed. The system included a teleoperation puncture actuator system, a robotic arm, a preoperative planning system, and a visual navigation system. The pressure sensor differential layout was used to design the skull puncture actuator based on EtherCAT bus. Variability registration based on B-spline transformation was used for surgical planning and visual navigation on CT and MR fused images. Under the guidance of binocular vision, the 7 degree of freedom redundant robotic arm was used to locate the skull puncture actuator to the starting position according to the preoperative planning path and the specified attitude. The operation was visualized by visual tool library (VTK) in human-in-loop operation mode, and the skull puncture was performed under double feedback of visual and force perception. The puncture experiment on the 3D printed skull model showed that the puncture error of the robot was 0.74 mm. Animal experiments on a beagle dog showed that the puncture error was 1.22 mm, which was comparable to the accuracy of experienced emergency physicians, indicating that the robot held the potential for clinical application.
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