A Knowledge Representation and Translation Method for Clinical Protocols
1 College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
2 General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan 750004, China
Abstract:Standard care based on the best clinical evidence is an effective way to enhance medical care quality and safety. However, various evidence based clinical protocols, such as standard order set and clinical pathway, are not widely accepted and used. One reason is that standard care protocols are represented as simplified medical order suites in the clinical information settings, which are not flexible enough to support personalized care and lack the capability to translate complex knowledge into actionable interventions. Thus, these standard care protocols are criticized as “cookbook medicine”. This study proposed a knowledge representation and translation method for clinical protocols. The method not only supports formally represented knowledge, but can also manage, invoke and integrate various personalized clinical decision support applications. Based on this method, a clinical knowledge translation platform is developed. The platform is integrated with clinical information system, and can recommend clinical protocols to physicians. An extensible personalized execution runtime is provided in the platform where complex knowledge is implemented as a plugin. This provides a technical solution for personalized and finegrained clinical protocols.
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