Abstract:The optic disc (OD) is considered as one of the main features of a retinal image. OD detection is a main step in developing automated analysis systems for the retinopathy. In this paper, we proposed a method aiming to effectively extract the local brightness areas in digital retinal fundus images based on directional local contrast (DLC) filter. The right OD region of interest (ROI) was selected by considering its local vessels features. Thereupon, in the selected ROI, the OD contour was exactly detected using the mathematical morphology method and regionbased active contour model technique. The evaluation for the proposed method was performed using the dataset of 81 images from the public STARE project, containing images from both normal (31) and pathological (50) subjects, even including severe pathological situations. The OD position was correctly identified in 73 out of 81 images, the accuracy rate is about 90.1%. These results demonstrate that the method effectively overcomes the influence from the large bright spot lesions on OD detection by just extracting the large vessels and less computation time.
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